Preserving Places that Matter

Preservation is about deciding what's important, figuring out how to protect it, and passing along an appreciation for what was saved to the next generation. The National Park Service employs archeologists, architects, curators, historians, and other professionals to help ensure the protection and preservation of the lands and objects entrusted to our care. Beyond the parks, national preservation partnership programs document historic places, develop standards and guidelines, and provide financial and technical assistance to preserve our shared heritage.
Pealing yellow, gray, and white paint expose a wood column.
Grant Opportunities

Learn about funding opportunities available to your organization or community. Many grants are now open.

Black and white photo of a bridge over still water.
Cultural Landscapes

Discover the intersection of cultural and natural resources.

A laser scan of a building at Ellis Island.
Documenting History

We document historic places with archival drawings, photographs, and reports, as well as interactive virtual tours based on laser scans!

The living room of a mid-century modern home.
Historic Landmarks in your State

National Historic Landmarks are all nationally significant. Find out what has been designated in your state.

A cannon in a filed behind a wooden fence.
Protect a Battlefield

NPS provides support for the preservation of historic battlefields associated with wars on American soil.

View of a downtown sidewalk in Georgetown, CO.
Make your Town a CLG

Learn about how to get your community designated as a “Certified Local Government” to become a partner in Federal preservation programs.

Last updated: January 6, 2023