An Act To revise the boundary of a portion of the Hawaii National Park on the island ot Hawaii in the Territory of Hawaii, approved April 11, 1928 (45 Stat. 424)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the boundary of that portion of the Hawaii National Park on the island of Hawaii firstly described in the Act of Congress approved August 1, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes, page 432, section 391, title 16. United States Code), entitled "An Act to establish a national park in the Territory of Hawaii," be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows:

"All that tract of land comprising portion of the lands of Kapapala and Keauhou, in the District of Kau, and portions of the lands of Keaau, Kahaualea, Panaunui, and Apua in the District of Puna, containing approximately thirty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-one acres, bounded as follows:

"Beginning at a point on the west edge of the Keamoku Aa Flow (lava Flow of 1823), the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Trigonometry Station 'Uwekahuna,' being four thousand seven hundred and six and six-tenths feet south and seventeen thousand nine hundred and seventy and three-tenths feet west, and the true azimuth and distance from said point of beginning to Government Survey Trigonometry Station 'Ohaikea.' being one hundred and sixty-six degrees and twenty minutes, six thousand three hundred and fifty feet, and running by true azimuths--
"1. Along the west edge of the Keamoku Aa Flow in a northeasterly and northwesterly direction, the direct azimuth and distance being one hundred and ninety-eight degrees and ten minutes fourteen thousand seven hundred feet;

"2. Two hundred and fifty-six degrees, eleven thousand four hundred feet across the land of Kapapala and Keauhou to a marked point on the Humuula Trail;

"3. Three hundred and twenty-eight degrees and fifteen minutes eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-five feet across the land of Keauhou to the top of the fault north and the Kau Road;

"4. Thence along the fault in a northeasterly direction along the remainder of Keauhou to a pipe, the direct azimuth and distance being two hundred and fifty-one degrees and thirty minutes four thousand three hundred and thirty feet;

"5. Two hundred and eighty-six degrees five hundred and thirty feet along the remainder of Keanhou;

"6. Two hundred and ninety-eight degrees nine hundred and sixty feet along same;

"7. Two hundred and eighty-three degrees and forty-eight minutes one thousand one hundred and forty-six and five-tenths feet along same to a pipe;

"8. Two hundred and sixty-seven degrees and twenty ninutes one thousand and twenty-seven and five-tenths feet along same;

"9. Two hundred and ninety-three degrees and ten minutes one thousand and fifty feet along same to a pipe;

"10. Three hundred and twenty-one degrees and forty-six minutes one thousand one hundred and eleven and three-tenths feet along same;

"11. Three hundred and thirty-three degrees and fifty minutes one thousand one hundred feet along same;

"12. Three hundred and twenty-seven degrees and twenty minutes one thousand nine hundred and forty feet along same;

"13. Two hundred and eighty-three degrees and thirty-nine minutes two thousand and fifty-seven and four-tenths feet along same to a pipe;

"14. Three hundred and thirty-three degrees and twenty minutes two hundred and fifty feet along same to a pipe on the north side of Government Main Road at junction with the Keauhou Road, said pipe being by true azimuth and distance two hundred and ninety-five degrees and twelve minutes six thousand one hundred and sixty-seven and one-tenth feet from Government Survey Trigonometry Station 'Volcano House Flag';

"15. Three hundred and thirty-three degrees and twenty minutes three thousand two hundred and eighty-three and two tenths feet along the remainder of Keauhou to a pipe;

"16. Three hundred and fifty-four degrees and fifty four minutes sixty feet along the remainder of Keaau;

"17. Two hundred and thirty-one degrees and thirty-one minutes one thousand six hundred and seventy-eight and eighttenths feet along same;

"18. Three hundred and eighteen degrees eight hundred and sixteen and four-tenths feet along same to the boundary between the lands of Keaau and Kahaualea;

"19. Seventy-two degrees and forty-five minutes one thousand two hundred and thirty-three and three-tenths feet along the land of Kahaualea to a pipe;

"20. Forty-eight degrees six hundred and thirty-four feet along the remainder of Kahaualea to a pipe on the Kahaualea-Keauhou boundary;

"21. Three hundred and thirty-two degrees and ten minutes six thousand five hundred and fifty-one and four-tenths feet along the Kahaualea-Keaau boundary to a pipe;

"22. Two hundred and eighty-one degrees thirty thousand three hundred and one and seven-tenths feet along the remainder of Kahaualea to a pipe;

"23. Thirty-one degrees and thirty minutes thirteen thousand and seventy-four and seven-tenths feet along the remainder of Kahaualea and Panaunui to a pipe, passing over a pipe at five thousand nine hundred and twenty-two and two-tenths feet on the Kahaualea-Panaunui boundary;

"24. Eighty-nine degrees and ten minutes thirty-two thousand nine hundred feet along the remainder of Panaunui, across the lands of Apua and Keauhou to 'Palilele-o-Kalihipaa,' at an angle in the Keauhou-Kapapala boundary marked by a pile of stones, passing over pipes at three thousandl five hundred and seventy-two and eight-tenths feet on the Panaunui-Apua boundary and eight thousand four hundred and thirty-five and three-tenths feet;

"25. Fifty-one degrees fifty minutes and thirty seconds five thousand four hundred and thirty feet across tho land of Kapapala;

"26. One hundred and two degrees and fifty minutes nineteen thousand one hundred and fifty feet across same to a small cone about one thousand five hundred feet southwest of 'Puu Koai';

"27. One hundred and sixty-six degrees and twenty minutes twenty-one thousand feet across the land of Kapapala to the point beginning;" and all of those lands lying within the boundary above described are hereby included in and made a part of the Hawvaii National Park subject to all laws and regulations pertaining to said nark. (U.S.C., 6th supp., title 16, sec. 391.)
SEC. 2. That the provisions of the Act of February 27, 1920, entitled "An Act to authorize the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii to acquire privately owned lands and rights of way within the boundaries of the Hawaii National Park," are hereby extended over and made applicable to the lands added to the park and included within the boundary established by the preceding section of this Act. (U.S.C., 6th supp., title 16, sec. 392a.)

Last updated: December 21, 2017

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