More Information On:Commercial Use AuthorizationBusinesses desiring to conduct visitor service related operations inside Haleakala National Park must obtain a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA). The CUA is a tool to manage commercial activities to insure that they do not impair park resources AND provide for quality visitor services. The process of granting a CUA also ensures that the activity is necessary and appropriate in a National Park setting and specific to Haleakala. Thus certain commercial activities are prohibited such as ballooning, hang gliding, canyoneering, or food concessions. Businesses operating inside the park without a CUA are subject to fines, mandatory court appearances, confiscation of equipment, and denial of future opportunities to operate in this or any other National Park. Commercial Services PlanIn December 2013, the National Park Service signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) determination for the preferred alternative in the Park's new Commercial Services Plan and Environmental Assessment. The plan provides direction for management of the commercial services of the Park over the next 10-15 years. The plan provides details on how the Park's commercial service program will be managed to achieve overall Park goals and meet desired resource conditions and visitor experiences. The plan will (1) determine what levels and types of commercial tour services and necessary and/or appropriate, consistent with the Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998 and National Park Service Management Policies 2006, (2) determine whether those services are compatible with the Park's mission of preserving and protecting it's natural and cultural resources, and (3) determine how visitors can be provided a high quality visitor experience. Commercial Filming and Photography and other Special Park UsesCommercial filming and photography require a Special Use Permit rather than a CUA.
Last updated: October 10, 2024