Bird Watching

Gray bird in a treetop
Clark's Nutcrackers can often be found in the treetops at higher elevations.

NPS / J. Hamilton

Many types of birds can be found in Great Basin National Park and the surrounding area. A large variety of birds can be seen in the many different habitats encountered between the town of Baker (5,280 feet elevation) and the end of the Scenic Drive (10,000 feet elevation). Many birds such as the Common Raven, Northern Flicker and the American Robin, can be found in more than one type of habitat.

Ask for a bird checklist at one of the visitor centers, which lists of all the birds found in Great Basin National Park. If you see any birds listed as "uncommon" or "not found" on the current checklist, please report it to a ranger!

Favorite Areas for Bird Watching

  • If you're looking for an easy walk, the Mountain View Nature Trail behind the Lehman Caves Visitor Center abounds with bird during the spring and summer. This trail is one of the easiest in the park and sits just over 6,800 feet.
  • For the more adventurous, going to the top of the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive will provide excellent birding for those that love the sub-alpine and alpine environments.
  • Want to get away from the busy areas? Head down Strawberry Creek Road on the north end of the park to reach a lesser travelled, but gorgeous area of the park full of meadows, snag trees, and quaking aspens.

Luckily, just about anywhere in Great Basin National Park provides excellent opportunities for bird watching. Learn more about the park's many species by picking up a bird list at either visitor center, or head to the Audubon Society's website.


more about birds

Last updated: November 30, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

100 Great Basin National Park
Baker, NV 89311


Available 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day

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