NPS PHOTO Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of some scientific studies related to Great Basin National Park and Lehman Caves. Much remains to be learned about this region, so check back often! Articles are organized by last name of the principal author. Acheampong, S. 1992. Isotope hydrology of Lehman and Baker Creeks drainages. MS Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Allander, K. K. and D. L. Berger. 2009. Seismic velocities and thicknesses of alluvial deposits along Baker Creek in the Great Basin National Park, east-central Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1174, 14 p. Link Anderson, M. E. and J. E. Deacon. 1996. Status of endemic non-salmonid fishes in Eastern Nevada. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 29(2): 124-133. Arnott H. J. and C. J. Arnott-Thornton. 2001. An SEM study of bristlecone pine litter from Great Basin National Park. Texas Journal of Microscopy 32:20-21. Asch, T. H., and D. S. Sweetkind. 2010. Geophysical characterization of range-front faults, Snake Valley, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1016. 226 p. Link Asch, T.H., and D.S. Sweetkind. 2011. Audiomegnetoelluric characterization of range-front faults, Snake Range, Nevada. Geophysics 76(1): B1-B7. Baker, G.M. 2015. Quantifying wildlife use of cave entrances using remote camera traps. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 77(3), 200-210. Link Baker, G., N. Darby, T. Williams, and J. Wullschleger. 2008. Bonneville cutthroat trout restoration project—Great Basin National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/NRR—2008/055. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Link Baker, G. and M. Horner. 2010. Climate change monitoring and installation of GLORIA at Great Basin National Park, 89-92 In Weber, Samantha Ed. Rethinking protected areas in a changing world. Hancock, Michigan: The George Wright Society. Link Baker, G. M., S. J. Taylor, S. Thomas, K. Lavoie, R. Olson, H. Barton, M Denn, S. C. Thomas, R. Ohms, K. L. Helf, J. Despain, J. Kennedy, and D. Larson. 2015. Cave ecology inventory and monitoring framework. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/NRR--2015/948. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Link Barrows, C. W., Gadsden, H., Fisher M., Garcia-De la Pena, C., Castaneda, G., and Lopez-Corrujedo, H. (2013). Patterns of lizard species richness within National Parks and Biosphere Reserves across North America's deserts. Journal of Arid Environments, 95:41-48. Beasley, R. S. and J. O. Klemmedson. 1980. Ecological Relationships of Bristlecone Pine. American Midland Naturalist 104:242-252. Becklin, K.M., Medeiros, J. S. Sale, K. R., and Ward, J. K. 2014. Evolutionary history underlies plant physiological responses to global change since the last glacial maximum. Ecology letters, 17(6):691. Link Beever, E. and D. A. Pyke. 2004. Integrated monitoring of hydrogeomorphic, vegetative, and edaphic conditions in riparian ecosystems of Great Basin National Park, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Link Beever, E. A., D. A. Pyke, J. C. Chambers, F. Landau and S. D. Smith. 2005. Monitoring temporal change in riparian vegetation of Great Basin National Park. Western North American Naturalist. 65:382-402. Link Biondi, F., and Rossi, S. 2015. Plant-water relationships in the Great Basin Desert of North America dereived from Pinus monophylla hourly dendrometer records. International Journal of Biometeorology 59(8):939-53. Link Brinda, J. C., Stark, L. R., Shevock, J. R., and Spence, J. R. 2014. Contributions toward a bryoflora of Nevada: bryophytes new for the Silver State. Part III. Madrono, 61(3):253-258. Link Brown, J. H. 1971. Mechanisms of competitive exclusion between two species of chipmunks. Ecology 52:305-311. Charlet D. 2003. Collection of vegetation data for fuels mapping and classification of vegetative communities at Great Basin National Park. Final Report. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Christensen, J. N., P. Weiss-Penzias, R. Fine, C. E. McDade, K. Trzepla, S. T. Brown, and M. S. Gustin. 2015. Unraveling the sources of ground level ozone in the Intermountain Western United States ising Pb Isotopes. Science of the Total Environment 530-31: 519 - 525. Comer, P. J., D. P. Braun, M. S. Reid, R. S. Unnasch, J. P. Hak, K. A. Schulz, G. Baker, B. Roberts, and J. Rocchio. 2016. Great Basin National Park: Natural resource condition assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRBA/NRR--2016/1105. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Link Cooper, F. J., J. P. Platt, E. S. Platzman, M. J. Grove, and G. Seward. 2010. Opposing shear senses in a subdetachment mylonite zone: Implications for core complex mechanics. Tectonics 29(4). Link Cooper, F. J., J. P. Platt, R. Anczkiewicz, and M. J. Whitehouse. 2010. Footwall dip of a core complex detachment fault: thermobarometric constraints from the norther Snake Range. (Basin and Range, USA). Journal of Metamorphic Geology 28(9): 997-1020. Cross, M., D. McGee, W. S. Broeker, J. Quade, J. D. Shakun, H. Cheng, Y. Lu, and R. L. Edwards. 2015. Great Basin hydrology, paleoclimate, and connections with the North Atlantic: A speleothem stable isotope and trace element record from Lehman Caves, NV. Quaternary Science Reviews 127: 186-198. Derkarabetian, S., & Hedin, M. 2014. Integrative taxonomy and species delimitation in Harvestmen: A revision of the Western North American genus Sclerobunus (Opiliones Laniatores: Travunioidea). PLoS ONE, 9(8): e104982. Link Derkarabetian, Shahan, David B. Steinmann, Marshal Hedin. 2010. Repeated and time-correlated morphological convergence in cave-dwelling harvestman (Opiliones, Laniatores) from montane Western North America. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10388. Link Disney, R. H. L., S. J. Taylor, M. E. Slay & J. K. Krejca. 2011. New species of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) recorded from caves in Nevada, USA. Subterranean Biology 9: 73-84. Link Eagles-Smith, C. A., J. J. Willacker, and C. M. Flanagan-Pritz. 2014. Mercury in fishes from 21 national parks in the Western United States--inter and intra-park variation in concentrations and ecological risk: U.S. Geological Open-File Report 2014-1051, p. 54. Link Elliott, P. E., D. A. Beck and D. E. Prudic. 2006. Characterization of surface-water resources in the Great Basin National Park area and their susceptibility to ground-water withdrawals in adjacent valleys, White Pine County, Nevada. United States Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. Report 2006-5099. Link Evans, S. L., R. H. Styron, M. C. Soest, K. V. Hodges, and A. D. Hanson. 2015. Zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He evidence for Paleogene and Neogene extension in the Southern Snake Range, Nevada, USA. Tectonics 34(10):2142-2164. Fine, R. M., B. Miller, and M. S. Gustin. 2015. Development of a statistical model to identify spatial and meteorlogical drivers of elevated O3 in Nevada and its application to other rural mountainous regions. Science of the Total Environment 530-31: 526-533. Fine, R. M., M. B. Miller, J. Burley, D. A. Jaffe, R. B. Pierce, M. Lin, and M. S. Gustin. 2015. Variability and sources of surface ozone at rural sites in Nevada, USA: Results from two years of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative. Science of the Total Environment 530-31: 471-482. Floyd, C. H. 2004. Marmot distribution and habitat associations in the Great Basin. Western North American Naturalist. 64:471-481. Link Gardner, P. M., & Heilweil, V. M. 2014. A multiple-tracer approach to understanding regional groundwater flow in the Snake Valley area of the easter Great Basin, USA. Applied Geochemistry. 45:33-49. Glaudas, X., S. R. Goldberg, and B. T. Hamilton. 2009. Reproductive ecology of a cold desert viperid snake from North America, the Great Basin rattlesnake (Crotalus lutosus). Journal of Arid Environments 73:719-725. Graham, J. P. 2014. Great Basin National Park: Geologic resources inventory report. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS.GRD.NRR--2014/762. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Link Gruell, G. E., L. E. Eddleman and R. G. Jaindl. 1994. Fire history of the pinyon-juniper woodlands of Great Basin National Park. Department of Interior, National Park Service. Technical Report NPS/PNROSU/NRTR-94/01. Seattle, WA. 27 p. Gruell, G. E. 1999. Historical and modern roles of fire in pinyon-juniper. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Link Halford, K.J., and R. W. Plume. 2011. Potential effects of groundwater pumping on water levels, phreatophytes, and spring discharges in Spring and Snake Valleys, White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent areas in Nevada and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5032, 52 p. Link Hamilton, B. T., B. L. Roeder, K. A. Hatch, D. L. Eggett, and D. Tingey. 2015. Why is small mammal diversity higher in riparian areas than in uplands? Journal of Arid Environments. Hamilton, B. T., R. Hart, and J. W. Sites Jr. 2012. Feeding ecology of the milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum, Colubridae) in the western United States. Journal of Herpetology 46: 515-522. Hamilton, B.T., S.E. Moore, T.B. Williams, N. Darby, M.R. Vinson. 2009. Comparative effects of rotenone and antimycin on macroinvertebrate diversity in two streams in Great Basin National Park, Nevada. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 1620-1635. Hamilton, B. T., T. Warfel, and M. Cage. 2011. Geographic distribution of Squamata snakes -- Crotalus mitchellii phyrrhus, speckled rattlesnake. Herpetological Review 42:572. Hamilton, B. T. 2009. Small mammals in portions of Great Basin National Park susceptible to groundwater withdrawal: Diversity and stable isotope perspectives. Masters Thesis, Department of Biology, Brigham Young University. 79 p. Link Hartley D. and A. Gubanich. 2004. Baseline assessment of the inventory of bird species of the Great Basin National Park and update of the National Park Service NPSpecies database. Final Report. Reno, Nevada. Link Hiebert, R. D. and J. L. Hamrick. 1984. An ecological study of bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) in Utah and Eastern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 44:487-494. Heilweil, V. M., and L. E. Brooks. 2010. Conceptual model of the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system. US Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 5193. P. 191. Link Heyerdahl, E. K., P. M. Brown, S. Kitchen and M. H. Weber. 2006. Fire regimes and forest structure of Utah and eastern Nevada: a multi-scale history from tree rings. Final report to Utah State Bureau of Land Management. 241 p. Link Heyerdahl, Emily K., Brown, Peter M., Kitchen, Stanley G., Weber, Marc H. 2011. Multicentury fire and forest histories at 19 sites in Utah and eastern Nevada. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-261WWW. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. P. 192. LInk Hiebert, R. D. and J. L. Hamrick. 1984. An ecological study of bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) in Utah and Eastern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 44:487-494. Holmgren, N. H. 2004. A new variety of Draba pedicellata and a lectotype for D. cusickii (Brassicaceae). Brittonia (56):107-114. Horner, M. A., G. M. Baker, and D. L. Hughson. 2009. Baseline Water Quality Inventory of Great Basin National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/PWR/GRBA/NRTR—2009/201. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Available from: Link Horner, M., and B. T. Hamilton. 2011. Pituophis catenfir (Gopher Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 42:619. Horner, M. A., B. T. Hamilton, and L. Provencher. 2014. Great Basin National Park aspen stand condition and health assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRBA/NRR--2014/782. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Houston, D. D., R. P. Evans, J. M. Crowley, and D. K. Shiozawa. 2015. Genetic characterization of two populations of Bonneville cutthroat trout in Great Basin National Park, USA. Western North American Naturalist 75.2: 146-156. Link Kitchen, Stanley G. 2010. Historic Fire Regimes of Eastern Great Basin (USA) Mountains Reconstructed from Tree Rings. Ph.D. Dissertation. Brigham Young University: Provo, Utah. 173 p. Link Kitchen, Stanley G. 2012. Historical fire regime and forest variability on two easter Great Basin fire-sheds (USA). Forest Ecology and Management 285: 53-66. Kitchen, S. G., E. D. McArthur, and G. L. Jorgensen. 1999. Species richness and community structure along a Great Basin elevational gradient. In E.D. McArthur, W.K. Ostler, and C.L. Wambolt (comps.), Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12-14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. p. 59-65. Krejca, J. K. and S. J. Taylor. 2003. A biological inventory of eight caves in Great Basin National Park. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois. Center for Biodiversity Technical Report 2003 (27) 72 p. Link Lachniet, M. S., R. F. Denniston, Y. Asmerom, and V. J. Polyak. 2014. Orbital control of western North America atmospheric circulation and climate over two glacial cycles. Nature Communications 5 (3805): 1-8. Lee, D. E. and E. H. Christiansen. 1983. The granite problem as exposed in the Southern Snake Range, Nevada. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83:99-116 Lee, D. E. and E. H. Christiansen. 1983. The mineralogy of the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon pluton, southern Snake Range, Nevada. Department of Interior, US Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report 83-337. Lee, D. E. and Christiansen, E. H. 1984. Amounts of selected trace elements present in the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon Intrusion, southern Snake Range, Nevada. Department of Interior, US Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report 84-344. Malaney, J. L., C. R. Feldman, M. Cox, P. Wolff, J. D. Wehausen, and M. D. Matocq. 2015. Translocated to the fringe: genetic and niche variation in bighorn sheep of the Great Basin and northern Mojave deserts. Diversity Distributions 21(9): 1063-1074. Masbruch, M. D., P. M. Gardner, and L. E. Brooks. 2014. Hydrology and numerical stimulation of groundwater movement and heat transport in Snake Valley and surrounding areas, Juab, Millard, and Beaver Counties, Utah, and White Pine and Lincoln Counties, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5103, 108 p. Link Medin, D. E., B. L. Welch and W. P. Clary. 2000. Bird Habitat Relationships along a Great Basin Elevational Gradient. United States Department of Agriculture, Fort Collins, CO. RMRS-RP-23. Link Mensing, S., S. Strachan, J. Arnone, L. Fenstermaker, F. Biondi, D. Devitt, & E. Fritzinger. (2013). A network for observing Great Basin climate change. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 94(11): 105-106. Metcalf, R. C., G. D. Merritt, M. A. Stapanian, J. R. Baker, K. M. Peres and D. T. Heffem. 1989. Chemistry of selected lakes and streams in Great Basin National Park, Nevada, during winter and spring 1989. Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada. Miller, M. B., R. Fine, A. M. Pierce, and M. S. Gustin. 2015. Identifying sources of ozone to three rural locations in Nevada, USA using ancillary gas pollutants, aerosol chemistry, and mercury. Science of the Total Environment 530-531: 483-492. Morris, L. R., and R. J. Rowe. 2014. Historical land use and altered habitats in the Great Basin Journal of Mammalogy. 95: 1144-1156. Nelson, Z. J., Weisberg, P. J. & Kitchen, S. G. 2014. Influence of climate and environment on post-fire recovery of mountain big sagebrush. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 23(1): 131-142.Link Nowak, R. S., D. J. Moore, R. J. Tausch and R. Stevens. 1999. Ecophysiological patterns of pinyon and juniper. Proceedings: Ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the interior west. Provo, Utah, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, UT September 15-18, 1997:35-46. Link
Olsen, R. N., Gallaway, T., & Mitchell, D. 2014. Modelling US light pollution. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 57(6):883-903.
Orndorff R. L. and L. A. Glonek. 2004. Effective and bankfull discharge in Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 36(2):103-110. Orndorff R. L. and J. G. Van Hoesen. 2001. Using GIS to predict the spatial distribution of perennial snow under modern and pleistocene condition in the Snake Range, Nevada. 69th Annual Meeting of the4 Western Snow Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho, 2001: 119-123. Link Osborn, G. and K. Bevis. 2001. Glaciation in the Great Basin of the Western United States. Quaternary Science Reviews 20(13):1377-1410. Patrick, N.A. 2014. Evaluating near surface lapse rates over complex terrain using an embedded micro-logger sensor network in Great Basin National Park. Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University. Link Paul, A.P., C. E. Thodal, G. M. Baker, M. S. Lico, and D. E. Prudic. 2014. Preliminary geochemical assessment of water in selected streams, springs, and caves in the Upper Baker and Snake Creek drainages in Great Basin National Park, Nevada, 2009. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5108, 33 p. Link Pleszewski R. J. 2003. Summary of fuel loads by vegetative alliance groups for the Great Basin National Park and surrounding public lands. Great Basin National Park, Baker, Nevada. Porinchu, D. F., S. Reinemann, B. M. Mark, J. E. Box, and N. Rolland.2010 Application of a midge-based inference model for air temperature reveals evidence of late-20th century warming in sub-alpine lakes in the central Great Basin, United States. Quaternary International 215:15-26. Ports, M. A. and P. V. Bradley. 1996. Habitat affinities of bats from northeastern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 56:48-53. Link Provencher, L., T. Anderson, G. Low, B. Hamilton, T. Williams, and B. Roberts. 2013. Landscape conservation forecasting™for Great Basin National Park. Park Science 30(1):56–67. Link Provencher, L., G. Low, and T. Anderson. 2010. Landscape conservation forecasting: a report to Great Basin National Park. The Nature Conservancy, Reno, NV. Prudic, D. E. and P. A. Glancy. 2009. Geochemical investigation of source water to Cave Springs, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5073, 28 p. Link Prudic, D. E., Sweetkind, D. S., Jackson, T. L., Dotson, K. E., Plume, R. W., Hatch, C. E., &Halford, K. J. 2015. Evaluating connection of aquifers to springs and streams, Great Basin National Park and vicinity, Nevada. US Geological Survey.Professional Paper 1819, 188 p. Link Reinemann, S. A., N. A. Patrick, G. M. Baker, D. F. Porinchu, B. G. Mark. and J. E. Box. 2011. Climate change in Great Basin National Park: Lake sediment and sensor-based studies. ParkScience 28(2):78–82. Link Reinemann, S. A., D. F. Porinchu, A. M. Bloom, B. G. Mark, J. E. Box. 2009. A multi-proxy paleolimnological reconstruction of Holocene climate conditions in the Great Basin, United States. Quaternary Research 72: 347-358. Reinemann, S. A., D. F. Porinchu, G. M. MacDonald, B. G. Mark, &J. Q. DeGrand. 2014. A 2000-yr reconstruction of air temperature in the Great Basin of the United States with specific reference to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. Quaternary Research, 82(2):309-317. Reinemann, S. A., D. F. Porinchu, &B. G. Mark. 2014. Regional climate change evidenced by recent shifts in chironomid community composition in subalpine and alpine lakes in the Great Basin of the United States. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 46(3):600-615. Rickart, E. A. 2001. Elevational diversity gradients, biogeography and the structure of montane mammal communities in the intermountain region of North America. Global Ecology and Biogeography 10:77-100. Rickart, E. A., L. R. Heaney and R. S. Hoffmann. 2003. First record of Sorex tenellus from the Central Great Basin. The Southwestern Naturalist. 49:132-134. Rickart, E. A. and S. L. Robson. 2005. Mammals of Great Basin National Park. Final Report, Great Basin CESU task agreement JBR07020002, cooperative agreement HBR07010001. Link Rickart, E.A., S. L. Robson, and L. R. Heaney. 2008. Mammals of Great Basin National Park, Nevada: Comparative field surveys and assessment of faunal change. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 4:77-114. Link Salzer, M. W. and M. K. Hughes. 2007. Bristlecone pine tree rings and volcanic eruptions over the last 5000 yr. Quaternary Research. 67:57-68. Link Salzer, M. W., M. K. Hughes, A. G. Bunn, and K. F. Kipfmueller. 2009. Recent unprecedented tree-ring growth in bristlecone pine at the highest elevations and possible causes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1-6. PNAS published online before print November 16, 2009. Link Schoettle, A.W., J. Connor, J. Mack, P. Pineda Bovin, J. Beck, G. M. Baker, R. A. Sniezko,K. S. Burns. 2013. Establishing the science foundation to sustain high-elevation five-needle pine forests threatened by novel interacting stresses in four western National Parks. The George Wright Forum 30:302-312.Link Setser, K., J. M. Meik and D. G. Mulcahy. 2002. Herpetofauna of the southern Snake Range of Nevada and surrounding valleys. Western North American Naturalist. 62:234-239. Link Shakun, J. D., S. J. Burns, P. U. Clark, H. Cheng, and R. L. Edwards. 2011. Milankovitch-paced Termination II in a Nevada speleothem? Geophysical Research Letters 38. L18701. Link Shear, W. A. 2007. Cave millipeds of the United States. V. The genus Idagona Buckett & Gardner (Chordeumatida, Conotylidae, Idagoninae). Zootaxa 1463:1-12. Link
Shear, W. A., S. J. Taylor, J. J. Wynne, J. K. Krejca. 2009. Cave millipeds of the United States. VIII. New genera and species of polydesmid millipeds from caves in the southwestern United States. Zootaxa 2151:47-65. Link Shiozawa, D. K. and R. P. Evans. 1994. Relationships between cutthroat trout populations from thirteen Utah streams in the Colorado River and Bonneville drainages. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Contract N. 93-2377 Shiozawa, D. K. and P. R. Evans. 2000. The genetic status of cutthroat trout form Mill Creek, tributary to the Bonneville Basin in Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Final Report to Great Basin National Park, National Park Service, Baker, Nevada. Shiozawa, D. K. and R. P. Evans. 2002. The genetic status of cutthroat trout from Pine and Ridge Creeks, Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Final Report to Great Basin National Park, National Park Service, Baker, Nevada. Smith, S. D., K. J. Murray, F. H. Landau and A. Sala. 1994. The woody riparian vegetation of Great Basin National Park. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV. Contribution Number CPSU/UNLV 050/03 Steponaitis, E., A. Andrews, D. McGee, J. Quade, Y.Hsieh, W. S. Broecker, B. N. Shuman, S. J. Burns, and H. Cheng. 2015. Mid-Holocene drying of the US Great Basin recorded in Nevada speleothems. Quaternary Science Reviews 127: 174-185. Taylor, S. J., and Holsinger, J.R., 2011. A new species of the subterranean amphipod crustacean genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) from a cave in Nevada, USA Subterranean Biology, 8: 39-47 Taylor, S. J., J. K. Krejca, and M. E. Slay. 2008. Cave biota of Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois. Center for Biodiversity Technical Report 2008 (25) 398 p. Link Taylor, S. J., J. K. Krejca, M. E. Slay, and T. L. Harrison. 2009. Milbert’s Tortoiseshell, Aglais milberti (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): a facultative trogloxene in alpine caves. Speleology Notes 1:20-23. Tiehm, A. and P. K. Holmgren. 1991. A new variety of Draba oreibata (Brassicaceae) from Nevada, U.S.A. Brittonia (43): 20-23. Tweet, J. S., V. L. Santucci, and A. P. Hunt. 2012. An inventory of packrat (Neotoma spp.) middens in National Park Service areas. In Hunt et al., eds., 2012, Vertebrate Coprolites. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 57: 355-368. Link VanCuren, R. T., and M. S. Gustin. 2015. Identification of sources contributing to PM 2.5 and ozone at elevated sites in the western US by receptor analysis: Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, and Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Science of the Total Environment 530-531:505-518. Van Hoesen, J. G.and R.L. Orndorff. 2011. The morphology and spatial distribution of late quaternary periglacial landforms, Snake Range, Nevada: A GIS-Based Approach to Prioritizing Field Sites. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. 43(1):48-60. Vilkamaa, Pekka, Heikki Hippa, and Steven Taylor. 2011. The genus Camptochaeta in Nearctic caves, with the description of C. prolix sp. n. (Diptera, Sciaridae). ZooKeys 135:69-75. Link Vitale, A. P. 2015. Near-surface air temperature in complex terrain: Daily predictions of fine-scale (30 m) temperature in the Snake Range, Nevada, USA. PhD dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno. Woodyard, J., M. Renfro, B. L. Welch and K. Heister. 2003. A 20-year recount of bird populations along a Great Basin elevational gradient. United States Department of Agriculture, Ogden, UT. RMRS-RP-43. Link Wright, G., M. S. Gustin, P. Weiss-Penzias, and M. B. Miller. 2014. Investigation of mercury deposition and potential sources at six sites from the Pacific Coast to the Great Basin, USA. Science of the Total Environment 470-471:1099-1113. Link Wright, G., Woodward, C., Peri, L., Weisberg, P. J., &Gustin, M. S. 2014. Application of tree rings [dendrochemistry] for detecting historical trends in air Hg concentrations across multiple scales. Biogeochemistry 120:149-162. Wright, G., M. S. Gustin, P. Weiss-Penzias, and M. B. Miller. 2014. Investigation of mercury deposition and potential sources at six sites from the Pacific Coast to the Great Basin, USA. Science of the Total Environment 470:1099-1113. Zeppelini, D., S.J. Taylor, and M.E. Slay. 2009. Cave Pygmarrhopalites Vargovitsch, 2009. (Collembola, Symphypleona, Arrhopalitidae) in United States. Zootaxa 2204:1-18. Link Ziaco, E., Biondi, F., Rossi, S., &Deslauriers, A. 2014. Climatic influences on wood anatomy and tree-ring features of Great Basin conifers at a new mountain observatory. Applications in Plant Sciences, 2(10). Link
Last updated: January 3, 2018