
Gateway is Great for Birds and Birdwatchers Alike

Gateway has over 325 species of birds, most of them visiting as they migrate along the Atlantic Flyway. They find food, shelter and protection within the borders of this national park.

Great birding spots include the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Floyd Bennett Field's North Forty, Great Kills Park, and Sandy Hook.

Protecting Plovers


Birds of Gateway

  • Close up of a piping plover on a beach
    Piping Plovers

    This threatened species uses the beaches of Sandy Hook and Fort Tilden to nest.

  • An American Oystercatcher and chick on a shore with shells
    American Oystercatcher

    American Oystercatchers need extensive space to breed since they are very territorial.

  • Osprey soaring in blue sky

    Osprey return to Gateway to nest every summer

  • Tree Swallow perched on a bird box
    Tree Swallows

    Tree swallows are iridescent blue on top and white below and can be found throughout the park.

  • Short Stocky bird with long bill on rocks
    American Woodcock

    American Woodcocks can be found at Gateway in the spring and summer.

  • Small light brown bird with two black neck bands

    Killdeer can be found throughout Gateway in grassy fields and parking lots.

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    Last updated: February 4, 2025

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    210 New York Avenue
    Staten Island, NY 10305


    718 354-4606

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