2025 permits are expected to go on sale March 1, 2025 through recreation.gov. More information will be available soon.
Permits 2024
2024 Fishing access are sold out.
The 2024 sales period for Boat Ramp Parking (Great Kills Park) and Archery permits has ended.
2024 4X4 ARE SOLD OUT.
General Instructions for Recreation.gov:
Create an account on Recreation.gov.
Enter “Gateway National Recreation Area” in the search option.
Select the permit you wish to purchase.
Review the permit information and requirements in the Need to Know section.
Purchase the permit.
Bring the printed or digital receipt of purchase to receive the Vehicle Decal at the designated locations, dates, and times listed on recreation.gov.
Payment will not be accepted in person. You must pick up your permit in the unit you purchased it for.
Fishing Access Permit (Parkwide):
When is the Fishing Access Permit available for purchase?
Available for purchase ONLINE ONLY through Recreation.gov.
Spring sale period: March 1 – April 30
Fall sale period: September 19 – September 26- SOLD OUT
How do I purchase the Fishing Access Permit?
ONLINE ONLY through Recreation.gov
How do I receive the Fishing Access Vehicle Decal?
Vehicle decals must be picked up in person at the following locations, dates, and time.
Vehicle decals can be picked up in person starting Saturday, September 21, as follows:
Ryan Visitor Center: Saturdays and Sundays ONLY 9am-12pm; Contact: 718-758-3675
Miller Field Ranger Station: Saturdays ONLY 9am-12pm; Contact: 718-351-6970
Sandy Hook Visitor Center: Saturdays and Sundays ONLY 10am-4pm; Contact: 732-872-5970
In order to receive a valid Fishing Access Vehicle Decal, you must bring confirmation of your Fishing Access Permit purchase to the locations designated time periods. There may be limited internet access at the pick-up locations, so please bring a printed copy of the QR code or take a picture of the QR code on your phone
When is the Fishing Access Permit valid?
The 2024 Fishing Access Permit is valid from time of purchase through 3/31/25.
What does the Fishing Access Permit provide?
- The Fishing Access Permit provides after-hours and parking access for fishing at designated locations in the Jamaica Bay Unit, Sandy Hook Unit, and Staten Island Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area.
- Please remember that you must be actively fishing while using the Fishing Access Permit. The permits are not Beach Parking passes or for other recreational uses.
- Fishing Access Permit Vehicle Decals are non-transferable, non-refundable, not replaceable if lost or stolen, and are void if altered or reproduced.
Where and when is the Fishing Access Permit required?
Sandy Hook Unit Fishing Access Permit - Locations for Parking and After-hours Access
Required 9pm to 6am, Year-round:
-Parking lots: B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, and Bayside lots B, C, and L, and Guardian Park lot
Staten Island Unit Fishing Access Permit - Locations for Parking and After-hours Access
Required all times:
-Crooke’s Point; Harbor Rd, Great Kills Park
Required 9pm to 6am, Year-round:
-Hangar 38 gravel parking lot, Miller Field
-Hudson Rd and N. Carolina Rd, Fort Wadsworth
-Beach Center Parking lot, Great Kills Park
Jamaica Bay Unit Fishing Access Permit - Locations for Parking and After-hours Access
Required all times:
-222nd Street Fishing Parking Lot, Breezy Point
-193rd Street Fishing Parking Lot, Fort Tilden
-Rockaway Point Yacht Club Road
-Riis Landing Parking Lot, Fort Tilden
-Aviation Road Parking Lot, Floyd Bennett Field
Required 9pm to 6am, Year-round:
-Raptor Point; Hangar B Apron, Floyd Bennett Field
-Bay 3 East Parking lot, Jacob Riis Park (May 15-Sept 15: No Fishing Access parking 6am-9pm)
Required 9pm to 6am, Year-round and No Parking 6am-9pm 3/15-9/15:
-169th and Davis Rd parking area, Fort Tilden
Required 9pm to 6am, 9/16-3/14:
-Shore Rd East, Fort Tilden (closed to all vehicular access from 3/15-9/15)
Questions about the Fishing Access Permit?
Gateway National Recreation Area Public Affairs: (718) 815-3650
Sandy Hook Unit: (732) 872-5916 or (732) 872-5862
Jamaica Bay Unit: (718) 758-3675
Staten Island Unit: (718) 351-6970
Off-Road Vehicle Permits, Breezy Point, Jamaica Bay Unit
When is the Breezy Point Off-Road Vehicle Permit available for purchase?
Step 1: Purchase Permit and Schedule Vehicle Inspection Appointment on Recreation.gov.
Starting March 1, purchase the Off-Road Vehicle and schedule your vehicle inspection appointment ONLINE ONLY through recreation.gov. Permits are $50.
Step 2: On-site Vehicle Inspection Appointments
-Vehicle Inspection Appointments are by appointment only and must be made only through Recreation.gov.
-Park staff will be available to inspect your vehicle and issue your permit within your scheduled appointment time.
-After your vehicle passes the inspection, the Off-Road Vehicle decal will be provided.
Off-Road Vehicle Inspection Appointments - Location, Dates, and Times:
Ryan Visitor Center, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn (parking lot east/rear of building), Jamaica Bay Unit
Appointment times will be available on Recreation.gov at the time of purchase.
Off-Road Vehicle Inspection Appointment Requirements:
The following items are required to be in your vehicle during the inspection:
7-foot (minimum) fishing pole; reel and tackle; shovel; tow chain or rope; jack; jack support board; tire pressure gauge; appropriate spare tire; trash container; portable toilet.
Off-Road Vehicle Permit Use Requirements:
-Payment must be made on-line through Recreation.gov when you purchase the Off-Road Vehicle Permit.
-On-site Vehicle Inspection will occur at the Ryan Visitor Center parking lot by appointment only at the dates and times listed. Appointments are made only through Recreation.gov.
-The vehicle that you will use to access the sand road, sand lot, and beach, must be the same vehicle that you drive to your inspection appointment and you must have a valid registration for that vehicle available at the time of inspection.
-Bring the required items in the trunk of your vehicle to pass the inspection.
-Payment will not be accepted during the On-Site Vehicle Inspection Appointment.
-Off-Road Vehicle Permits are for Fishing Access Only.
-During Piping Plover Season from March 15 through September 15, there is no vehicle access to Breezy Point Tip. All vehicles must park at the Sand Lot from March 15 through September 15.
Questions about the Off-Road Vehicle Permit, Breezy Point, Jamaica Bay Unit?
Gateway National Recreation Area, Public Affairs: (718) 815-3650.
Jamaica Bay Unit: (718) 758-3675
Boat Launch Parking Lot Permit, Great Kills Park, Staten Island Unit
The Boat Launch Parking Permit is required to park in the designated Boat Launch Parking Lot at Great Kills Park, Staten Island Unit. 2024 Boat Launch Parking Permits are sold out.
When are the Boat Launch Parking Permits available for purchase?
The Boat Launch Parking Permits is available for purchase on Recreation.gov March 1 (starting at 10 am) through April 30. Permits are $50.
How do I purchase the Boat Launch Parking Permit?
The Boat Launch Parking Permit are available for purchase ONLINE ONLY through Recreation.gov.
How do I receive the Boat Launch Parking Permit Decal?
Bring your printed Recreation.gov receipt to the location listed on Recreation.gov to the times and dates listed on Recreation.gov at the time of purchase.
When is the Boat Launch Parking Permit valid?
The Boat Launch opens on 4/1/24 and closes on 12/1/24.
The Boat Launch Parking Permit is valid for the entire Boat Launch season from 4/1/24 through 12/1/24.
What does the Boat Launch Parking Permit provide?
The Boat Launch Permit is required to park in the designated Boat Launch Parking Lot at Great Kills Park, Staten Island.
Boat Launch Parking Lot Regulations:
-A boat trailer must be attached to your vehicle within the Boat Launch Parking Lot.
-Boat Launch parking is limited to 24 hours per visit.
-Commercial activity is prohibited.
-Personal watercraft, such as jet-skis, kayaks, canoes, or any other personal watercraft are prohibited at the Boat Launch Parking Lot at Great Kills Park.
Archery Range Permit, Floyd Bennett Field, Jamaica Bay Unit
When is the Archery Range Permit available for purchase?
The Archery Permit is available for purchase ONLINE ONLY through Recreation.gov starting March 1 at 10 am. Permits will be on sale through April 30. Permits are $75.
When is the Archery Range Permit valid?
The Archery Range Permit is valid from time of purchase through 12/1/24.
How do I receive the Archery Range Permit Identification Tag?
Bring your printed Recreation.gov receipt to Ryan Visitor Center, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, at the times and dates listed on Recreation.gov at time of purchase.
Archery Range, Floyd Bennett Field:
-Parking is located adjacent to the Archery Range. Parking is permitted on paved surfaces only.
-The Archery Field is limited to individuals 18 years and older.
-For the complete list of Archery Range, Floyd Bennett Field, regulations please visit our archery page.
Questions about the Archery Range Permit, Floyd Bennett Field?
Gateway National Recreation Area Public Affairs: (718) 815-3650.
Jamaica Bay Unit: (718) 758-3675.