Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about visiting Friendship Hill

When is Friendship Hill open?

The grounds are open every day from sunrise until sunset all year round. The Gallatin House (Visitor Center) is open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from May 1st until September 31st. From October 1st to April 30th, the Gallatin House is open on Saturdays and Sundays only.
Friendship Hill NHS is open on most Federal holidays, but is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day. Please check our Current Conditions page for any closures.

My family is interested in taking family/wedding/graduation/prom photos at Friendship Hill. Can we do that?

Generally yes, with some exceptions. Please visit our Photography web page for more information, as well as the Wedding Photography page

Can I fly a drone?

Drones are not permitted on most Federal lands, including Friendship Hill NHS and other parks in Western Pennsylvania: Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site, Johnstown Flood National Memorial, Flight 93 National Memorial, and Fort Necessity National Battlefield.

Can I use my metal detector at Friendship Hill?

No. Possessing or using a mineral or metal detector, magnetometer, side scan sonar, other metal detecting device is prohibited in all National Park lands. Rules that apply to all National Parks are in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations

Can I do [this or that] at Friendship Hill?

In addition to the rules that apply to all National Parks, there are a few rules specific to Friendship Hill. Please consult the Superintendent’s Compendium, a document that outlines what is allowed or prohibited and allowed at Friendship Hill. For more detailed information or questions, please contact Friendship Hill's Law Enforcement Officer at 724-329-2501.

I'd like to get to have a wedding at Friendship Hill!

Congratulations on the wedding! There are some restrictions on weddings held at Friendship Hill. For more information, visit our Weddings web page.

Are fireworks allowed?

No, fireworks are not allowed on Federal Public Lands.

Is there camping at Friendship Hill?

There are no camping facilities at Friendship Hill National Historic Site, but there may be other opportunities at local parks.

Can I volunteer at Friendship Hill?

Please visit our Volunteer page for volunteer positions at Friendship Hill National Historic Site, and for volunteering for any Federal organization.

How do I get hired by the National Park Service?

All Federal position openings are posted to!


Questions About Albert Gallatin

When was Albert Gallatin born?

January 29 1761

Where was he born?

Geneva, Switzerland

When did Gallatin come to America?


How did Gallatin end up in Western Pennsylvania?

He was surveying and interested in land speculation in the Ohio Valley.

Why did Gallatin name his property Friendship Hill?

Because of his friendship with other business partners

What types of business ventures did Gallatin pursue?

Glass manufacturing, milling and musket production

How Gallatin meet Sophia Allegre?

Gallatin stayed at a Richmond, VA boardinghouse run by Sophia’s mother.

When did Gallatin and Sophia marry?

May 14, 1789

What did Sophia die from?

Unknown illness or possibly a miscarriage.

Why was Gallatin expelled from the U.S. Senate?

He failed the citizenship requirements.

How many terms did Gallatin serve in the U.S. House of Representatives?


How long did Gallatin serve as Secretary of Treasury?

13 years, the only person to serve that length of time in that office.

What was Gallatin’s political affiliation?


How did Gallatin meet Hannah Nicholson?

Gallatin met Hannah through her father Commodore Nicholson, Gallatin's business partner, during his frequent trips to New York City.

Why did Hannah Gallatin not like living at Friendship Hill

She was a “city belle” and liked the social aspects of urban living

How many children did the Gallatins have?

Six, however only three live to adulthood.

How long did Gallatin serve as Minister to France?

1816 to 1823, 7 years

What is the longest span of time the Gallatins resided at Friendship Hill?

May 1824 to October 1825, Appx. 18 months

What did Gallatin do after leaving Friendship Hill?

He returned to diplomatic service as the U.S. Minister to Great Britain.

Where is Albert Gallatin buried?

In the Trinity Churchyard, in lower Manhattan, New York City, with Hannah Nicholson Gallatin.

Last updated: February 24, 2022

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Farmington, PA 15437



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