News Release

Fort Union Days 2021

People dressed as soldiers fire a cannon
People dressed as Civil War soldiers fire a cannon


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News Release Date: June 10, 2021

Contact: BJ Cluff, 505-425-8025

WATROUS, NM: Fort Union National Monument announces its annual Fort Union Days event to be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 19-20, 2021. The event weekend is FREE to the public and runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, and 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday.

This year, programs and activities will include cannon firing demonstrations and a 19th-century military encampment. Rangers in historic period dress will be offering programs and Fort tours throughout the day. Visitors are welcome to wander the ground of the Fort and learn more about life in the 19th century.

There will also be interactive children’s activities at the kids table, including a mock soldiers’ drill with wooden muskets. Food is not available on site, but picnicking is always welcome.

The schedule of events (subject to change) is as follows:


10:00  Guided fort tour

11:00  Artillery firing program

12:00 - 1:00  Laundresses at Suds Row

1:00 Guided fort tour

2:00 Artillery firing program

3:00-4:00  Laundresses at Suds Row


9:30 - 4:00  Living history camp open to public with firearms display

11:00 -3:00 Kids Table open to public



10:00  Guided Fort Tour

11:00  Artillery firing program

12:00 Santa Fe Trail walk along ruts

1:00 Guided fort tour


10:00 - 1:00 Living history camp open to public

To visit the monument take exit 366 of I-25 at Watrous, NM on to State Highway 161, 8 miles west. For more information, contact Fort Union National Monument at (505) 425-8025. Visit, or like on us on Facebook at Visit, or like us on Facebook.

Last updated: June 10, 2021

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