
The safety of our visitors is very important to the management and staff of Ford's Theatre. Read on for more information specific to Ford's Theatre, and you can check the National Mall & Memorial Parks safety page for additonal information on your time in Washington, DC!

Dress Appropriately
Washington, DC is a city that experiences all four seasons of weather. This includes hot, humid summers and cold winters. While Ford's Theatre offers an indoor respite from the heat and the cold, make sure to prepare for the weather when you visit us! For the warmer months, wear light, airy clothing and wide-brimmed hats for protection from the sun. Apply sunscreen as needed. In colder months, you'll want to layer up your clothing.

There is lots to do in Washington, DC, and much of it is walkable! Make sure to wear comfortable footwear on your adventure to Ford's Theatre.

Washington, DC is an active city. Ford's Theatre is located on 10th Street NW, which can be busy with car and bus traffic. Be careful when crossing the street to visit the Petersen House, and make sure to follow the crosswalk's Walk/Don't Walk signals.

Stay aware of your surroundings, stick with your buddy or group, and designate a rendezvous point in case you get separated. Be sure to have cell phones available.

Emergency Contacts
If an emergency arises, contact the U.S. Park Police at 202-610-7500 or call 911.

Last updated: July 25, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1100 Ohio Drive SW
Washington, DC 20242



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