About This BlogA blog for those wanting to learn more about the 18th Century, Fort Stanwix/Schuyler, the American Revolution, and those who lived through the happenings. For Want of Clean Water
September 27, 2022
National Park Service The Northern Campaign of 1777
August 04, 2021
From the beginning of the American Revolution, the British had understood the importance of gaining control of the Lake Champlain-Lake George-Hudson River water route to effectively cut off the colonies north of New York from those to the south. Almost all the troubles leading to the war had originated from New England, and the British hoped that if they could put down the rebellion there, the rest of the colonies might consider abandoning the war. The Samuel Geake Conspiracy
July 22, 2021
Throughout the Revolution, the British attempted to destroy Continental forces by sending British agents or disaffected American prisoners amongst them urging them to desert or mutiny. Most of these plots failed because the British did not understand that just because the troops were upset with their lot as soldiers, it didn’t necessarily mean they had given up on the cause of Independence. |
Last updated: April 26, 2022