To view a larger image of this postcard in a new window, click here. The Quartermaster Storehouse was built on the southwest corner of the fortification and mirrors the Commissary located on the northwest corner. Because they are so similar, they are often misidentified. This postcard, however, is really confusing to the viewer because printed on the front is "Officers Headquarters." No known postcards exist of the "Officers Headquarters". Postcards showing a general view of the fort include images of the two Officer's Quarters. While the date of this postcard is not known, it would be prior to March 1907. Before this date the U.S. Postal Service required all messages to be written on the front of the card, reserving the back side exclusively for the mailing address. To see another example of this postcard, with a message written on the front right side, click here. Faintly written in pencil is, "Merry Christmas hapy new year" To return to main Postcards of Fort Smith page, click here.
Last updated: April 10, 2015