A List of Participants in the Roanoke Voyages

The Roanoke Island Colonists and Support Staff

Who were the personnel associated with the Roanoke Island colonies? A few such as Cavendish, Drake, Grenville, Harriot, and Lane were significant enough to have been remembered for other reasons. Most have defied scholarly attempts at identification for centuries. Although current research holds significant promise for their ultimate identification, some of the investor, settlers, explorers and mariners remain mere names on a list.

Most of the known names are listed here in alphabetical order with the date of their participation in one or more of the ventures, preparations, or relief efforts. The roster includes Arthure Barlowe'screcord of participants in the 1584 reconnaissance voyage; Ralph Lane's list of colonists who remained on Rooanoke Island for eleven months in 1585-1586; John White's list of settlers in the 1587 colony; the principal members of Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage of 1585-1586 (which stopped over at Wococon, collected the settlers and returned to England); and a few of the participants in the 1585 Grenville expedition, the 1587 expedition and the 1588 and 1590 relief missions. In addition, all of the investors and assistants cited in the 1589 indenture and the 1587 Grant of Arms to the Cittie of Ralegh are included.

There are a few instances of identical names on the same and different lists. Duplications within a list have been noted. Some lists may have original name spellings, others have been anglicized. Recurrences among lists have been entered separately unless identification of the individual has been documented.

For easier identification, the names of colonists on the alphabetized list have been italicized and bolded. For interest in lists of participants associated with specific voyages, colonies or time frames, scroll down the page or use the selector:


Alphabetical List


List of people involved with the Roanoke Colony
Last Name First Name Rank or Other Notes Year(s) Involved Colonist?

The 1584 Reconnaisance

  • Master Philip Amadas, Captain
  • Master Arthur Barlowe, Captain
  • William Greeneuille
  • Iohn Wood
  • Iames Browewich
  • Henrie Greene
  • Beniamin Wood
  • Simon Ferdinando
  • Nicholas Petman
  • Iohn Hewes
  • Granganimeo, King's brother
  • Wingina, King
  • Manteo
  • Wanchese

The 1585-86 Colonists

  • (old spellings) Master Ralfe Lane
  • Master Philip Amades, Admiral of the country
  • Master Thomas Hariot
  • Master Acton
  • Master Edward Stafford
  • Thomas Luddington
  • Master Maruyn
  • Master Gardyner
  • Captain Vaughan
  • Master Kendall
  • Master Prideox
  • Robert Holecroft
  • Rise Courtenay
  • Master Hugh Rogers
  • Thomas Foxe
  • Edward Nugen
  • Darby Glande
  • Edward Kelle
  • Iohn Gostigo
  • Erasmus Clefs
  • Edward Ketcheman
  • Iohn Linsey
  • Thomas Rottenbury
  • Roger Deane
  • Iohn Harris
  • Frauncis Norris
  • Mathewe Lyne
  • Edward Kettell
  • Thomas Wisse
  • Robert Biscombe
  • William Backhouse
  • William White
  • Henry Potkin
  • Dennis Barnes
  • Ioseph Borges
  • Doughan Gannes (Joachim Gans)
  • William Tenche
  • Randall Latham
  • Thomas Hulme
  • Walter Myll
  • Richard Gilbert
  • Steuen Pomarie
  • Iohn Brocke
  • Bennet Harrye
  • Iames Stevenson
  • Charles Stevenson
  • Christopher Lowde
  • Ieremie Man
  • Iames Mason
  • Dauvid Salter
  • Richard Ireland
  • Thomas Bookener
  • William Philippes
  • Randall Mayne
  • Master Thomas Harvye
  • Master Snelling
  • Master Anthony Russe
  • Master Allyne
  • Master Michel Polyson
  • Iohn Cage
  • Thomas Parre
  • William Randes
  • Geffery Churchman
  • William Farthowe
  • Iohn Taylor
  • Philppe Robyns
  • Thomas Phillippes
  • Valentine Beale
  • Iames Skinner
  • George Eseuen
  • John Chaundeler
  • Philip Blunt
  • Richard Poore
  • Robert Yong
  • Marmaduke Constable
  • Thomas Hesket
  • William Wasse
  • Iohn Feuer
  • Daniel
  • Thomas Taylor
  • Richard Humfrey
  • Iohn Wright
  • Gabriell North
  • Bennet Chappell
  • Richard Sare
  • Iames Lasie
  • Smolkin
  • Thomas Smart
  • Robert
  • Iohn Evans
  • Roger Large
  • Humfrey Garden
  • Frauncis Whitton
  • Rowland Griffyn
  • William Millard
  • Iohn Twyt (John White?)
  • Edwarde Seklemore
  • Iohn Anwike
  • Christopher Marshall
  • Dauid Williams
  • Nicholas Swabber
  • Edward Chipping
  • Syluester Beching
  • Vincent Cheyne
  • Haunce Walters
  • Edward Barecombe
  • Thomas Skeuelabs
  • William Walters

Personnel Associated with the 1585-86 Venture

(Not all of these people made the trip)

  • Sir Walter Ralegh
  • Sir Christopher Hatton
  • Sir Francis Walsingham Sir Philip Sidney, MP
  • Sir William Courtnay, MP
  • Sir William Mohun, MP
  • John White, painter
  • Sir Richard Grenville, general
  • Simon Fernandez, chief pilot
  • John Clarke, Captain of Roebuck
  • Captain George Raymond, Captain of Lion of Chichester
  • Thomas Cavendish, Captain of Elizabeth
  • Arthur Barlowe
  • Captain Boniten
  • Captain Aubry
  • John Arundell
  • John Stukely
  • Edward Gorges
  • Master Bremige
  • Master Vincent
  • Captain John Copeltope
  • Edward, Scrivener
  • Granganimeo
  • Manteo
  • Richard Hakluyt, elder
  • Alonzo Cornieles, Captain of the Santa Maria of San Vicente
  • Enrique Lopez, Portuguese merchant
  • Bernard Drake
  • Amyas Preston
  • Andrew Fulforde, Captain of Ralegh's Job
  • Marvin, gentleman
  • Kendall, gentleman
  • Wingina
  • Master Atkinson, servant of Sir Francis Walsingham
  • Master Russell, servant of Sir Francis Walsingham
  • Master H---, of the Middle Temple
  • Master Francis Brooke, treasurer
  • John Stubbe
  • Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby de Eresby
  • Martin Laurentson, Danish mbr of Grenville's expedition
  • Diego Menendez de Valdes

Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage

(stopped over at Roanoke)
*(X)= died on voyage
*(L)= lost on voyage

  • Captain Walter Baily
  • Captain George Barton
  • Captain Walter Bigges
  • Captain Bitfield
  • Baptista Boazio, gentleman
  • Captain Edward Careless als Wright
  • Captain Christopher Carleill, Lieutenant General
  • Lieutenant Thomas Cates
  • Captain William Cecil (X)*
  • Captain Thomas Cely
  • --- Cottell, secretary (X)*
  • Lieutenant Croftes
  • Captain Robert Crosse
  • Sir Francis Drake, General and Admiral
  • Captain Thomas Drake
  • Captain James Erisey
  • Captain Thomas Fenner
  • Captain George Fortescue (X)*
  • Captain Martin Frobisher, Vice Admiral
  • Captain Edward Gilman
  • Captain John Goring
  • Master John Grant
  • Captain John Grenville (X)*
  • Captain Fulke Greville, later Lord Brooke; withdrew from voyage
  • Master John Hampton
  • Captain John Hannam (X)*
  • Captain Richard Hawkins
  • Captain William Hawkins, Sr.; withdrew from voyage
  • Captain William Hawkins, Jr.
  • --- Henley
  • Master Griffith Herne
  • --- Jonas, interpreter
  • Master Abraham Kendall
  • Captain Francis Knollys
  • Captain John Marchant
  • Captain John Martin
  • Captain Thomas Moone (X)*
  • Captain Matthew Morgan
  • Philip Nicholls, chaplain
  • Captain Robert Pew
  • Captain Anthony Platt
  • Anthony Powell, Sergeant Major (X)*
  • Edward Powell, Recorder
  • Captain John Rivers
  • Captain John Sampson
  • Philip Sparrowe, sailor
  • Richard Stanton, soldier
  • Captain John Varney (X)*
  • Captain John Vaughan
  • Lieutenant Waterhouse (X)*
  • Captain Henry Whyte
  • Captain John Wilson
  • Captain Edward Wynter
  • Nicholas Winter, gentleman (L)*
  • Robert Alexander (X)*
  • --- Annes, gentleman
  • ---Ardle, gentleman
  • Mr Burke, soldier
  • Alexander Carleill (X)*
  • George Cavendish (X)*
  • --- Chamberlain, gentleman
  • James Dier (X)*
  • Peter Duke (X)*
  • Lieutenant Escot (X)*
  • Lieutenant Ketill
  • --- Longe, gentleman
  • Master John Newsome
  • Thomas Ogle, steward (X)*
  • Mr Scroope (X)*
  • Lieutenant Alexander Starkey (X)*
  • --- Thorowgood, gentleman
  • Lieutenant Thomas Tucker, soldier (X)*
  • Lieutenant Vincent (X)*
  • ---Willis, gentleman

Personnel Associated with Grenville's 1585 Relief Voyage

(unresearched, no listing currently available)

THE 1587 Colonists


  • John White, Governor
  • Roger Bailie, Assistant
  • Ananias Dare, Assistant
  • Christopher Cooper, Assistant
  • Thomas Stevens, Assistant
  • John Sampson, Assistant
  • Dyonis Harvie, Assistant
  • Roger Prat, Assistant
  • George Howe, Assistant
  • Nicholas Johnson
  • Thomas Warner
  • Anthony Cage
  • John Jones
  • John Tydway
  • Ambrose Viccars
  • Edmond English
  • Thomas Topan
  • Henry Berrye
  • Richard Berrye John Spendlove
  • John Hemmington
  • Thomas Butler
  • Edward Powell
  • John Burden
  • James Hynde
  • Thomas Ellis
  • William Browne
  • Michael Myllet
  • Thomas Smith
  • Richard Kemme
  • Thomas Harris
  • Richard Taverner
  • John Earnest
  • Henry Johnson
  • John Starte
  • Richard Darige
  • William Lucas
  • Arnold Archard
  • John Wright
  • William Dutton
  • Morris Allen
  • William Waters
  • Richard Arthur
  • John Chapman
  • William Clement
  • Robert Little
  • Hugh Tayler
  • Richard Wildye
  • Lewes Wotton
  • Michael Bishop
  • Henry Browne
  • Henry Rufoote
  • Richard Tomkins
  • Henry Dorrell
  • charles Florrie
  • Henry Mylton
  • Henry Payne
  • Thomas Harris
  • William Nicholes
  • Thomas Phevens
  • John Borden
  • Thomas Scot
  • William Willes
  • John Brooke
  • Cutbert White
  • John Bright
  • Clement Tayler
  • William Sole
  • John Cotsmur
  • Humfrey Newton
  • Thomas Colman
  • Thomas Gramme
  • Marke Bennet
  • John Gibbes
  • John Stilman
  • Robert Wilkinson
  • Peter Little
  • John Wyles
  • Brian Wyles
  • George Martyn
  • Hugh Pattenson
  • Martyn Sutton
  • John Farre
  • John Bridger
  • Griffen Jones
  • Richard Shaberdge
  • James Lasie
  • John Cheven
  • Thomas Hewet
  • William Berde


  • Elyoner Dare
  • Margery Harvie
  • Agnes Wood
  • Wenefrid Powell
  • Joyce Archard
  • Jane Jones
  • Elizabaeth Glane
  • Jane Pierce
  • Audry Tappan
  • Alis Chapman
  • Emme Merrimoth
  • ------ Colman
  • Margaret Lawrence
  • Joan Warren
  • Jane Mannering
  • Rose Payne
  • Elizabeth Viccars


  • John Sampson
  • Robert Ellis
  • Ambrose Viccars
  • Thamas Archard
  • Thomas Humfrey
  • Thomas Smart
  • George Howe
  • John Prat
  • William Wythers
  • Virginia Dare (born in Virginia)
  • ---- Harvye (born in Virginia)

Assistants of the Colony Who Did Not Remain in Virginia

  • Simon Fernando, Assistant
  • John Nichols, Assistant
  • William Fullwood, Assistant
  • James Plat, Assistant
  • Humfrey Dimmocke, Assistant

Investors in the Cittie of Ralegh [sic] in Virginia

  • Sir Walter Ralegh
  • Thomas Smith
  • William Sanderson
  • Walter Bayly
  • William Gamage
  • Edmund Nevil
  • Thomas Harding
  • Walter Marler
  • Thomas Martin
  • Gabriel Harris
  • William George
  • William Stone
  • Henry Fleetewood
  • John Gerrard
  • Robert Macklyn
  • Richard Hakluyt
  • Thomas Hoode
  • Thomas Wade
  • Richard Wright
  • Edmund Walden

Personnel Associated with the 1590 Voyage

*(X) = died on voyage

  • John White, Governor
  • Captain William Lane
  • Captain Joseph Harris, of the Conclude
  • Captain Abraham Cocke, of Limehouse, Captain of Harry & John, Admiral
  • Ralph Skinner, masters mate (X)*
  • Edward Kelly (X)*
  • Thomas Bevis (X)*
  • Hance the surgion (X)*
  • Edward Kelborne (X)*
  • Robert Colman (X)*
  • Captain Christopher Newport, of Limehouse, Captain of the Little John of London
  • John Bedford, of Dartmouth, Master of the Moonlight
  • Robert Hallet, Captain of the prize Buen Jesus
  • Thomas Middleton
  • James Bagge
  • Nicholas Glandvill,of Tavistock
  • John Facy, Captain of Elizabeth Glanville
  • John Rowe, Captain of Nicholas of Plymouth
  • William Finch, of Plymouth
  • Henry Cletherow, ironmonger
  • John Stokes, fishmonger
  • John Clerke, Sr.
  • John Clerke, Jr.
  • Hugh Middleton, goldsmith
  • Erasmus Harvye
  • Henry Millett, of Poole, seaman
  • John Taylor, of Hepitre near Exeter, seaman
  • Thoms Harding, of Newcastle, seaman
  • Henry Swanne, of Newcastle, mariner
  • Hugh Harding, of Plymouth, master of Conclude
  • William Cable
  • John Watts, owner of Harry & John
  • Wiliam Davell of Plymouth, seaman
  • Robert Hutton, of Limehouse, master of Harry & John
  • Michael Geere, of Limehouse, mariner, master of the John of London
  • William Lane, Captain of John Evangelist
  • Wylliam Brockbancke appraiser
  • Rogar Perrot grocer appraiser
  • George Bolles grocer appraiser
  • John Hyd grocer appraiser
  • Thomas Barbar appraiser
  • Richard Payntell appraiser
  • Wylliam Bygatte appraiser
  • Francisco Gomez of St. Domingo, purser of Good Jesus of Seville
  • Anthonio de Samora Carenio
  • Franciscus Marquino, interpreter
  • John de Vivia
  • Don John de Villa Rey
  • John de Viveta
  • Nicholas Gernandes
  • Petro Vasse Galliego of Liuxborne
  • Manuel Fernandez Correa, captain & owner of Buen Jesus William Sanderson
  • Edward Spicer, Captain of Moonlight Bedford, Master of Moonlight (X)*
  • Francisco Gomes
  • William Adams
  • Abraham Lofte, Lionel Balentine,
  • Richard Knotford
  • Thomas Gilbert
  • Henry Erlinge
  • William Cocke
  • John Davys
  • William Thorne
  • William Lane
  • John Gale

Credits & Sources

Text based on "Roanoke Colonists" by William S. Powell. Edited and expanded by lebame houston, Wynne Dough and Deanna Potts

  • Hakluyt, Richard, PRINCIPALL NAVIGATIONS (1589), pp. 728-33 and (1600), III, p. 251, as quoted in Quinn, David, ed. The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590, (The Hakluyt Society, London: 1955), Vol. I, pp. 115-116.
  • Hakluyt, Richard, PRINCIPALL NAVIGATIONS (1589), pp. 736-7, as quoted in Quinn, David, ed. The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590, (The Hakluyt Society, London: 1955), Vol. I, pp. 194-197.
  • Keeler, Mary Frear, ed. Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage 1585-86, (The Hakluyt Society, London: 1981), Appendix III, pp. 301 - 320.
  • White, John, John White's Narrative of the 1587 Virginia Voyage (1587), as quoted in Quinn, David, ed. The First Colonists (Oxford University Press: 1973) pp. 107-108.

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Last updated: September 14, 2022

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