
As a vivid reminder of past events, Fort Pulaski represents an important phase of our great national heritage. Standing guard over the Savannah River for over 150 years, Fort Pulaski's heritage lives on in the stories of the people, places, and events that helped shape this grand fortress. Learn more about the saga of Fort Pulaski, from its early construction through wars, occupation, and its final preservation.


The Stories of Fort Pulaski

  • a black and white sketch showing explosions around a fort.
    Battle for Fort Pulaski

    The Battle for Fort Pulaski demonstrated the power of the newer rifled cannon and exposed the weaknesses of America's coast defense system.

  • While a group of soldiers are at attention in front, a game of baseball is played in the back.
    Civil War Baseball

    During the Civil War soldiers at Fort Pulaski often played baseball to escape the boredom of garrison life.

  • Five male living historians dressed as confederate soldiers stand behind prison bars.
    Immortal Six Hundred

    In October 1864, a group of Confederate officers were imprisoned at Fort Pulaski. They became known as the Immortal Six Hundred.

  • A black colored cannon rests on a green carriage with 2 large wheels.
    Rifled Artillery

    The American Civil War was the first major conflict to see the use of rifled artillery.

  • A small section of a plan of a fort.
    The Third System

    After the War of 1812, the nation created a broad national defense strategy that included a new generation of waterfront defenses.

  • a color painting showing six African Americans rowing through the marshes near Fort Pulaski.
    Underground Railroad

    After the Battle Fort Pulaski became a beacon of freedom for many escaping enslaved people.

  • Crowd gathered in downtown Savannah celebrating secession 1860
    The Nation Unravels

    Many of Savannah’s residents, shown here parading through the city in November 1860, were already poised to leave the Union.

  • The words Freedom Seeker
    Words Have Power

    Though they may be simple and small, words have power. This Article explores their influence on the history of Fort Pulaski.

  • Sketch of a Civil War soldier laying and reading a letter from home.
    In Their Own Words

    Learn about the battle of Fort Pulaski from those that experienced it themselves.

  • Black and white photograph of freedpeople in front of a house on Cockspur Island.
    African Americans on Cockspur Island

    Learn about the experiences of African Americans at Fort Pulaski.

  • Workers' Village Archeology Project
    Workers' Village Archeology Project

    Discover the men and women who built Fort Pulaski

  • concrete path through cemetery brick fort in foreground
    History of Memory at Fort Pulaski

    Learn about the history of memory and interpretations at the fort and how the Lost Cause has seeped into the fort's history.

Last updated: September 6, 2024

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41 Cockspur Island Road
Savannah, GA 31410


(912) 219-4233

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