
Screenshot of video
Screenshot of "Cannonballs" video


Cannonballs at Fort McHenry:
Unlock a door of a hidden room in the Star Fort and discover where we keep cannonballs, rockets, ramrods, and assorted gear for living history demonstrations.
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Screenshot of "Chasseur of Fort McHenry" video


The Chasseur at Fort McHenry:
Check out a model of a famous privateer ship from our Visitor Center museum and learn more about one of its gunners, a free Black man named George Roberts.
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Screenshot of "The Making of the American Flag" video


The Making of the American Flag, 1813
Learn more about the women who worked, in 1813, to make two flags that famously flew at Fort McHenry. These symbols inspired men and women across Baltimore to keep up the fight and sent a signal to the British that we were here to stay.
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Screenshot of "Uniforms and Supplies" video


Uniforms and Supplies at Fort McHenry:
Have you ever wondered what is on the second floor of the buildings in the Star Fort? Go up the stairs to our collection of 1812 uniforms, instruments, weapons, and supplies used by living history demonstrators here at Fort McHenry.
Video Link

Last updated: December 20, 2022

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2400 East Fort Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21230


410 962-4290 x250

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