The George Washington Inaugural Bible

George Washington Inaugural Bible
"The Inauguration of George Washington"
"The Inauguration of George Washington", oil painting on canvas, by Ramon de Elorriaga, New York, 1899. On exhibit at Federal Hall.


The Bible George Washington used during his inauguration as the first president of the United States on April 30, 1789 was loaned to him by a local Masonic Lodge, St. John's Lodge No. 1, Ancient York Masons.

The Bible has also been used in the inaugurations of Presidents Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush (whose 1989 inauguration was in the bicentennial year of George Washington's). During the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president on January 20, 2009, members of the St. John's Lodge and the Washington Bible took part in a special ceremony in front of the statue of George Washington on the steps of Federal Hall to honor the momentous occasion.

The George Washington Inaugural Bible on display at Federal Hall.
The George Washington Inaugural Bible when on display at Federal Hall.


Printed in London in 1767, it is now known as the George Washington Inaugural Bible. Members of the St. John's Lodge allow it to be displayed in a special case in the Inaugural Gallery on the first floor of Federal Hall National Memorial when it is not in use by the Lodge or on tour. It is one of the most popular historic artifacts displayed at Federal Hall, but is the property of St. John's Lodge and frequently travels to other locations for exhibit.
The Inauguration of George Washington at Federal Hall, 1789
The Inauguration of George Washington on April 30, 1789, on the second floor balcony of the original Federal Hall.


There are many questions surrounding this Bible, one of the earliest artifacts of our nation's history. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions from visitors to Federal Hall:

Who owns the Bible?

St. John’s Lodge No. 1, Ancient York Masons, are the custodians of what is now known as the George Washington Inaugural Bible.

Why this Bible?

Right before the inaugural ceremony began, it was discovered that they did not have a Bible for George Washington to take his oath upon. Jacob Morton, Marshall of the Parade and Master of St. John’s Lodge, rushed to the Lodge to get the Altar Bible for the ceremony.

What version is this Bible?

The Bible is the King James Version, dated 1767, complete with the Apocrypha and supplemented with historical, astronomical, and legal data.
George Washington Bible open to the page upon which George Washington laid his hand during his first inauguration.
George Washington Bible open to the page upon which George Washington laid his hand during his first inauguration.

St. John's Lodge No. 1, A.Y.M.

What page was the Bible open to?

Genesis 49:13, opened at random as the Bible arrived only just in time for the inauguration.

Where is the Bible now?

As of August 2024, it is on display in the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
Statue of George Washington taking the oath of office, created by John Quincy Adams Ward in 1883, on front steps of Federal Hall.
Statue of George Washington taking the oath of office, created by John Quincy Adams Ward in 1883, on front steps of Federal Hall.


Who else has used this Bible?

President Harding in 1921, President Eisenhower in 1953, President Jimmy Carter in 1977, and President George Bush Sr. in 1989.

Must a Bible be used?

No. In 1901, Theodore Roosevelt did not use any book during his first inauguration, as it occurred immediately after the assassination of President McKinley in Buffalo, NY. After the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, Lyndon Johnson used a Roman Catholic prayer book which was already present on Air Force One. In 1825, John Quincy Adams took his oath on a law book.

Last updated: August 6, 2024

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