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Giordano, Rita. "Celebration of an Isle of Dreams, Ellis Island Will Reopen September 10."
Newsday. June 20, 1990.
Gormley, Myra Vanderpool. "After 66 Years, An Immigrant Learns Son's Fate." Los Angeles Times. November 25, 1988.
Gormley, Myra Vanderpool. "Ellis Island Files on Computers Soon." Los Angeles Times. March 15, 1989.
"Historical Guide to Ellis Island." Newsweek. July/August 1986.
Horn, Miriam. "The Return to Ellis Island." U.S. News & World Report. November 21, 1988. Pages: 63‑65.
Howe, Marvine. "Once Again, Ellis Island Will Open its Arms in Welcome." New York Times. June 9, 1989.
"Indian Ceremony on Ellis Island." New York Times. June 29,1987.
Labaton, Stephen. "Ellis Island Gathers the Pieces of Its Past." New York Times (Metropolitan News). October 14, 1987. Pages: 1B, 4B.
Lundetrom, Meg. "Ellis Island, Echoes From a Nation's Past." New Jersey Record. November 22, 1987.
Lundetrom, Meg. "They Left Their Marks, Graffiti of the Immigrants Being Preserved." New Jersey Record. November 22, 1987.
MacLeod, Hope. "Hull of an Effort to Raise Historic Ferry." New York Post. August 24, 1988.
McCallister, Jared. "Artifacts Sought for Ellis Island." Brooklyn & Staten Island. September 16, 1988.
Miller, William F. "Flight to Freedom, at 14, Alone, is Tearfully Retold." Cleveland Plain Dealer. May 11, 1988.
Nagourney, Adam. "Ellis Idyll for Duke, Odysseys Honored." New York Daily News. September 4, 1988. Pages: 5‑6.
"Navy to Begin Refloating Ellis Island Ferry." NJ/NY. June 7,1988.
"Return to Ellis Island." Dollar Sense. Fall 1989.
Rice, Patricia. "A Strange First Look." St. Louis Post Dispatch. January 22, 1989.
Seidel, Mitchell. "Ellis Island Exhibit Captures Feel of Masses Yearning to be Free." The Star Ledger. November 1984.
Slagle, Alton. "Museum Seeks Mementos." Daily News. September 6, 1987.
Sutton, Larry. "Historic Ferry May Rise Again." Daily News. August 24,1988.
Toner, Robin. "Dukakis, at Ellis Island, Sounds a Patriotic Note." New York Times. September 4, 1988.
Uhlig, Mark A. "Plan for Ellis Island by Group is Backed by Interior Secretary." New York Times. September 16, 1987.
Film Documentaries
Forgotten Ellis Island: 2008. Boston Film and Video Productions. Narrator: Elliot Gould. Director: Lorie Conway.
Project Twenty: An Island Called Ellis. 1967.Narrated by José Ferrer. Television Special, by National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC).
Island of Hope, Island of Tears. 1989. Narrated by Gene Hackman. Washington D.C.: Guggenheim Productions.
Special Collections
Bob Hope Memorial Library, Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island
National Park Service, Statue of Liberty N.M. and Ellis Island . 1973- Present. Ellis Island Oral History Project. This collection consists of about 2,000 audio recordings of interviews with Ellis Island immigrants and former government personnel that have been made from 1973 to the present time. Location: Oral History Listening Room, Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
National Park Service, Statue of Liberty N.M. and Ellis Island. Special Collections: Augustus F. Sherman Photograph Collection; Col. John B. Weber Photograph Collection; and selected historical photographs of Ellis Island and immigrants from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Justice, the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration . Location: Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
In addition, the Bob Hope Memorial Library holds many publications relevant to the history of Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, and U.S. immigration and ethnicity. These include books, periodicals, special government studies relating to Ellis Island and its restoration and current use as a historic site, and unpublished manuscripts. The library is open to the public by appointment. Please note the library does not contain original immigration records. On permanent display in the Library is an exhibit on the former Ellis Island immigrant, the late actor Bob Hope.