Guidelines for Reconstructing Cultural Landscapes

Structures, Furnishings, + Objects

The Approach

Reconstruct Non-Surviving Land.

Spatial Organization + Land Patterns

Topography + Vegetation


Water Features

Structures, Furnishings, + Objects

Special Considerations

Standards for Reconstruction



Reconstructing a non-surviving structure, furnishing or object to depict the documented historic appearance. Although traditional materials such as masonry, wood, and architectural metals are preferable, substitute materials may be used as long as they recreate the historical appearance. For example, recreating a stone perimeter wall using a poured concrete core and stone facing.

Not Recommended

Reconstructing a structure, furnishing and object that cannot be documented historically or for which inadequate documentation exists.

Using substitute materials that do not convey the original appearance of the cultural landscape.

Interpret the Reconstructed Landscape


Using signs or interpretive markers to identify the building, structure, furnishing or object as a contemporary re-creation. For example, installing new signage along a historic motorway, to identify the reconstruction of a scenic overlook.

Not Recommended

Failing to identify and interpret the reconstruction of a structure, furnishing or object as a re-creation, thus confusing the public understanding.