Guidelines for Reconstructing Cultural Landscapes

Special Considerations

Spatial Image Example

The Approach

Reconstruct Non-Surviving Land.

Spatial Organization + Land Patterns

Topography + Vegetation


Water Features

Structures, Furnishings, + Objects

Special Considerations

Standards for Reconstruction

Whereas preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration treatments usually necessitate retrofitting to meet code and energy requirements, in this treatment it is assumed that the reconstructed landscape will be essentially new construction. Thus, only minimal guidance is provided in the following section, although the work must still be assessed for its potential negative impact on the reconstructed landscape.



Taking accessibility requirements into consideration early in the planning stage so that barrier-free access can be provided in a way that is compatible with the reconstruction.

Not Recommended

Obscuring or damaging the appearance of the reconstructed landscape in the process of providing barrier-free access.



Considering health and safety code requirements early in the planning stage of the project so that work is compatible with the reconstruction. For example, the installation of fire suppression systems or seismic retrofits.

Not Recommended

Meeting health and safety requirements without considering their visual impact on the reconstruction.



Taking environmental protection requirements into consideration early in the planning stage so that desirable environmental conditions can be provided in a way that is compatible with the reconstruction. For example, re-establishing a wetland to comply with applicable environmental regulations, while recreating the feature as it appeared historically.

Not Recommended

Obscuring or damaging the appearance of the reconstructed landscape in the process of providing environmental protection.



Considering energy efficiency requirements, such as passive solar functions or water conservation methods, early in the planning stage of the project so that work is incorporated into the reconstruction.

Not Recommended

Obscuring or damaging the appearance of the reconstructed landscape in the process of providing energy efficiency.