Battle Detail

Honey Hill

Other Name:
Breckenridge's Advance into East Tennessee
November-December 1864
Principal Commanders:
Major General John Hatch [US] Colonel Charles Colcock [CS]
Forces Engaged:
6400 total (US 5000; CS 1400;)
Estimated Casualties:
796 total (US 746; CS 50;)
Leaving Hilton Head on November 28, a Union expeditionary force under Maj. Gen. John P. Hatch steamed up the Broad River in transports to cut the Charleston & Savannah Railroad near Pocotaligo. Hatch disembarked at Boyd's Landing and marched inland. On November 30, Hatch encountered a Confederate force of regulars and militia under Col. Charles J. Colcock at Honey Hill. Determined attacks by U.S. Colored Troops (including the 54th Massachusetts) failed to capture the Confederate entrenchments or cut the railroad. Hatch retired after dark, withdrawing to his transports at Boyd's Neck.
Confederate Victory
CWSAC Reference #:
Preservation Priority: