While the mainland visitor centers in Ventura and Santa Barbara are readily accessible by car or public transportation, the islands are only accessible by park concessionaire boats or private boat. Advanced planning is highly recommended.
Directions to the Robert J. Lagomarsino Visitor Center at Channel Islands National Park The visitor center is located in the Ventura Harbor in Ventura, California. Ventura is located 70 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Santa Barbara. Plane, train, and bus service are all available to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. Only train, bus, and private car transportation are available from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara to Ventura. From the 101 Freeway northbound:
From the 101 Freeway southbound:
Directions to the Outdoor Santa Barbara Visitor Center The visitor center is located in the Santa Barbara Harbor in Santa Barbara, California. Santa Barbara is located 100 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles north of Ventura. Plane, train, and bus service are all available to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. From the 101 Freeway northbound:
From the 101 Freeway southbound:
Directions to Island Packers The main office for Island Packers is located in the Ventura Harbor. Ventura is located 70 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Santa Barbara. From the 101 Freeway northbound:
From the 101 Freeway southbound:
Island Packers also has a satellite office in the Channel Islands Harbor at 3600 S. Harbor Boulevard in Oxnard, California. Oxnard is located 65 miles north of Los Angeles and 35 miles south of Santa Barbara. From the 101 Freeway northbound:
From the 101 Freeway southbound:
Public Transportation The mainland visitor centers and park concessionaire offices are all accessbile via public transportation. Airports Trains Buses Back to Top |
Last updated: February 1, 2024