A Celebration of Art and Native Flora at Channel Islands National Park

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Date: March 28, 2016
Contact: Yvonne Menard, 805-658-5725

As part of a continuing celebration of 100 years of national parks in 2016, the public is invited to enjoy a spring event in the native plant garden on April 9, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Channel Islands National Park Robert J. Lagomarsino Visitor Center in the Ventura Harbor.

This Find Your Park event features new displays of art sculptures, interpretive signs, and native plant interpretive guides, as well as a sale of Channel Islands native plants.

Internationally-renowned artist BiJian Fan designed the new orgami-style sculptures, which create an engaging environment in which visitors can explore some of the unique animals found on the Channel Islands. BiJian Fan, who has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, was born in Beijing, China, but now lives in Camarillo, where he combines science and art to form his unique sculptures.

The event will also feature botanical illustrations by artist Ellie Yun-Hui Tu, a local product designer and illustrator whose paintings of Channel Islands native plants were chosen for display at the "Flora of National Parks" exhibit in Washington, D.C.

Fan will present two talks about ways to connect people to parks through art and the inspiration he found in creating the garden wildlife sculptures at 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. Yun-Hui Tu will share the secrets and steps in creating pen and ink botanical illustrations in a presentation at 2:00 pm. At 1:00 pm, there will be a ranger-led program on bird adaptations called Neat Beaks.

Children's activities will take place throughout the day, including a native plant garden scavenger hunt, art rubbings of native plants, origami crafts, and a button-making station. Junior Ranger booklets and activities will also be available for children to complete, in order to earn their Junior Ranger badges.

The event is a great opportunity for California native plant lovers to find at least ten varieties of native plants unique to the Channel Islands at a plant sale from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The sale is sponsored by the Channel Islands Park Foundation and supported by volunteers from the Ventura County Master Gardeners. Proceeds from the sale (cash or checks only) will support the garden.

About Channel Islands Park Foundation

Formed in 2005, Channel Islands Park Foundation is the only non-profit, philanthropic partner of Channel Islands National Park. Recognizing the challenges of managing the complex island ecosystems and richly diverse cultural resources, the Foundation is committed to the ongoing work of Channel Islands National Park. In cooperation with the National Park, the Foundation funds education, protection and preservation efforts. For more information visit ciparkfoundation.org

About the NPS Centennial

For nearly 100 years national parks have protected the most significant places in America. They preserve our most outstanding scenery, wildlife, and habitat, and honor our most important historic events and people. The National Park Service (NPS) has a presence in every community in the United States. NPS manages and conserves 410 areas in the National Park System, more than 2,500 National Historic Landmarks, 7,500 Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance projects, and 42,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund projects.

Last updated: April 7, 2016

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