Available (and free!) to school classes, these 'Explorer Boxes' come with a ranger who will guide students through a 50 minute lesson. As everyone's budgets have grown tighter and tighter, fewer schools are able to afford the bussing required for a trip to one of the national park sites. We hope the Explorer Boxes will fill a need to connect students with the natural world, and to get some of the experiences they would have had during a park field trip.
Hands-on experiences are replicated in the classroom with the imitation skulls, scats and insects that fill the boxes. Those activities are blended with questions and exercises (based on Arizona State Standards) to help students of all learning styles gain skills and knowledge to explore the natural world around them.
The two new Explorer Boxes include lessons for classes Kindergarten through 5th Grade on Mammals and Bugs. Students will explore skulls and tracks while learning what makes a mammal a mammal and why insects are so crunchy.
Keep an eye out for more boxes in the future, too!
For more information, or to schedule your class, please call: Chiricahua National Monument: 520-824-3560 x305