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Date: October 10, 2007
Contact: Wendy Bustard, (505) 346-2871 ext. 201
Contact: Dabney Ford, (505) 786-7014 ext. 242

Chaco Culture National Historical Park Museum Collection Facility Opens
October 12, 2007

On Friday, October 12, 2007, the Chaco Culture National Historical Park Museum Collection Facility will open at the Hibben Center for Archaeological Research at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Chaco Museum Collection Facility will house over 1 million artifacts including ceramic vessels, pprojectile points, bone tools, stone tools, painted wood, textiles, and orniments. This is one if the largest, most intact NPS archaeological collections, with well-provenienced artifacts and docmentation.

The Hibben Center, located south of the Anthropology Building on the main University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque, was completed in June 2002. It contains 37,565 sq ft on four levels. In April 2007, the NPS completed construction of approximately 10,000 sq ft on the second and third floors for its use, under a lease agreement with UNM.

This new space contains artifacts and archive collection storage, research labs, and support space for the NPS Chaco Collection. The facility will house multiple Chacoan collections from Chaco Culture NHP, Aztec Ruins NM, Navajo Nation Chaco Protection Sites Program, and UNM. To find out more about the new facility click here.

Last updated: January 18, 2018

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