2008 guest speaker series

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Date: April 23, 2008
Contact: Matt Leduc, (505) 786-7014 ext. 221
Contact: Russ Bodnar, (505) 786-7014 ext. 240

Unless noted, all presentations will begin at 8:00 PM in the Visitor Center Auditorium. Talks on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings will be followed by our Night Sky Program. For more information on additional speakers, call (505) 786-7014, ext. 221.

April 22, 2008

“Geology and Paleontology of Chaco Canyon”

Tom Lyttle, Geologist and NPS volunteer

April 24, 2008

"Sun/Moon Cycles in Ancient and Modern Skies"

Ron Sutcliffe, Author and Archaeoastronomy Researcher

3pm to 4:30pm; lecture in auditorium

5pm tour of Casa Rinconada’s solar and lunar alignments

May 6, 2008

Topic: Early Pueblo Ties to Chaco

Richard Wilshusen, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Colorado College

May 9, 2008

Shadows of Chaco Canyon

Stephen Allten Brown, Author; Education Specialist, National Park Service

Book Signing: May 10 (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM)

Lecture and discussion: May 9 (8:00 PM)

May 10, 2008 

“Dreams, Landscape, Myth and a World View”

Phillip Tuwaletstiwa, Engineer, Geodetic Scientist, and President of the Hopi Foundation. 

May 16, 2008 

“Rock Art of Chaco Canyon”

Jane Kolber, Educator

May 20, 2008 6:00 PM

"Tarahumara Survival: Preserving Traditional Culture in the 21st Century"

Patrocinio Lopez and Richard Fisher

May 21, 2008

"Sun/Moon Cycles in Ancient and Modern Skies"

Ron Sutcliffe, Author and Archaeoastronomy Researcher

3pm to 4:30pm; lecture in auditorium

5pm tour of Casa Rinconada's solar and lunar alignments

May 23, 2008

Native American Flute performance

David Wolf Robe, Artist and Educator

June 14, 2008

“The Chaco Experience: Landscape and Ideology at the Center Place”

Lecture and Book Signing

Ruth Van Dyke, Department of Anthropology, Colorado College

June 26, 2008 7:00 PM

Stabilization and Stewardship in Dinetah: The Navajo Ancestral Homeland”

Larry Baker, Director, Salmon Ruins

July 8, 2008

Title To Be Announced

Steve Plog, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia

August 15, 2008

“Common Threads: Textiles and Basketry from Chaco, Salmon, and Aztec”

Laurie Webster, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona

September 15-21

Special Flute Performances by Red Heart     Dates To Be Announced

Flint-knapping demonstrations with Red Heart  Dates To Be Announced

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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