The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area strives to help educate people of all ages to the park and its resources. A ranger-led program at your school is a great way for your students to learn about the Chattahoochee River and other associated topics. All programs listed below are curriculum-based and free of charge to educational group. We are able to accommodate several classes in a day to meet the needs of a grade group.
We also provide ranger-led field trips for groups wishing to visit the park. Visit our Field Trip page to learn more about these programs. For the fearless educator visit our Curriculum Materials page for lesson plans about the Chattahoochee River that you present yourself.
For more information or to register for a program, please contact the park at 678-538-1200.
Fur, Feathers, and Scales
Students examine and touch skins and shells representing reptiles, birds, and mammals and compare them to manufactured cloth. The items are divided based on living and non-living. The skins are grouped based on appearance, texture, color, etc. Students describe similarities and differences in the items. Students will act out the movements of certain animals, then will sing songs to reinforce learning.
GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten
DURATION: 30 - 45 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: SKL1 and SKL2
Grow and Change, Animal Life Cycles
Children explore the life cycles of familiar wildlife and understand that things grow and change. Using hands-on activities, song, dance, and role-play the students will discover the life cycles/stages of frogs and butterflies, the differences between adult and baby animals, and the basic needs of animals.
GRADE LEVEL: Pre-K - First Grade
DURATION: 30 - 45 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: SKL1a, SKL2a.c.d, and S1L1b
Leave No Trace
A park ranger will meet with students in the classroom to discuss the importance of environmental stewardship. The park ranger will provide a presentation about how people of all ages can help protect the natural environment and enjoy scenic and wild places while participating in physical activity and engaging with their communities. This program will include an activity from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.
GRADE LEVEL: Third Grade and High School
DURATION: 45 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: S3L2, SEV5, and PEHS.5
The National Park Service!
What does it mean to you?
This program is designed to help students understand the National Park Service - who we are, what we do, and why. Students will demonstrate their knowledge by becoming land managers, creating their own national park on paper, then sharing their work with their peers through an oral presentation.
GRADE LEVEL: Fourth Grade
DURATION: one hour
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Common Core Georgia Performance Standards: ELACC4W4, ELACC4SL1, ELACC4SL4, ELACC4L1, ELACC4L2, and ELACC4L3,
Native Peoples and National Parks
With this program, students will understand more about the first people of Georgia and their relationship to the Chattahoochee River. Students will explore a suitcase full of objects relating to the culture of the American Indians, and then participate in a ranger-led activity.
GRADE LEVEL: Second Grade
DURATION: 90 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: SS2H2, TAES2.1 and TAES2.11
Pioneers of the Chattahoochee
Help your students understand what living on a farm was like in early Georgia. Students will compare and contrast life then and now through the presentation of artifacts and representative materials, followed by a ranger-led activity.
GRADE LEVEL: First Grade - Second Grade
DURATION: 90 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: SS1E1-4, S2P1, SS2E1, and SS2E4
Regions of Georgia
Through this program, students will better understand the characteristics of Georgia's geographic regions, as well as understand the relationship of these regions to the rest of the United States
GRADE LEVEL: Second - Third Grade
DURATION: 45 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: SS2G1 and S3L1
The Story of a River
This program will demonstrate the "life" and history of the Chattahoochee River, with brief discussions of its origin, how people have used the river, its role in how communities developed, and its future. The format of this program is told through a story and demonstrated with student-held props.
GRADE LEVEL: First Grade - Third Grade
DURATION: 45 minutes
NATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS: Georgia Performance Standards: S1L1, S2L1, SS2G1, S3L1, and S3L2