Contact: Wouter Ketel, 252-728-2250 ext 3005
Harkers Island, NC - Sandy, a Category 1 hurricane, is projected to pass offshore of the North Carolina coast. Due to the large size of this storm, tropical storm to hurricane force winds are expected across Cape Lookout National Seashore beginning Saturday and continuing through Monday. Seashore beaches will be exposed to 30-60 hours of tropical storm force winds, high surf and ocean swells, high tides, and beach overwash. All ferry and other services to seashore islands will stop operating beginning at the close of business Friday, October 26, and will not resume operation until further notice (except to safely remove visitors from the islands.) Seashore islands (North and South Core Banks) will close to all off-road vehicle use beginning Saturday, October 26, until further notice. All visitors with vehicles on the islands must remain in place until driving on the islands is approved. (Except for emergencies involving personal safety.) Visitor Centers on the islands will close on Saturday, the Harkers Island Visitor Center will close on Sunday and all visitor centers will remain closed until further notice. Please call the park at 252-728-2250, or check the park website at and Twitter sites for updates. |
Last updated: April 14, 2015