McCoy Park Exhibits

The Santa Fe, Oregon, and California national historic trails (NHTs) converged at Independence, Missouri, a place of commerce for many. The exhibits below tell the stories of entrepreneur Hiram Young, a mule-drawn railroad, international trade in the 1800s, and trails to the east and west. You are about to virtually visit McCoy Park in Independence, Missouri and find out the rest of the story.

A Man of Means

A Man of Means
Hiram Young was an enslaved African American in the 1840s who became a man of means in Independence, Missouri in the 1850s. Read all about it! (1 MB pdf)

Independence, Missouri

Independence, Missouri
Independence thrived as an international hub of commerce in the 1830s-1840s. European and American-made goods were transported through the city over the Santa Fe Trail to Mexico. Emigrants going to Oregon and California came here to stock up with supplies and prepare for the journey of a lifetime. (867 KB pdf)

The Railroad Comes to Town!

The Railroad Comes to Town!
Railroad fever in 1830s Independence turned a road with cut and crushed stone, wooden ties, and iron-capped rails into a railroad with cars pulled by mules. What a story! (1 MB pdf)

Three Trails from Independence

Three Trails from Independence
This story could not have happened without the Santa Fe, Oregon, and California NHTs. A piece of iconic American history unfolds as you read on. (1 MB pdf)

Trails East and West

Trails to the East & West
Find out more about Independence, Missouri and where you can go to visit other sites along the Santa Fe, Oregon, and California NHTs. See you on the trails!! (701 KB pdf)

Last updated: February 20, 2019

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California National Historic Trail
1100 Old Santa Fe Trail

Santa Fe, NM 87505

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