Frequently Asked Questions About the Trail's Advisory Council Q. What was the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Advisory Council? A.The advisory council consulted with the Secretary of the Interior in the development of the trail and other trail matters. The council played an active role in the creation of the management plan, as well as assisting the NPS in identifying significant resources and other sites of interest along the 3,000 miles of the trail. The advisory council for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, in accordance with the National Trails System Act, was established on May 21, 2008. Legislated for the first ten years of the trail's existence, the Advisory Council met for the final time in 2018. Q. Who served on the advisory council? A.The council consisted of federal and state agency personnel and representatives of private Chesapeake Bay-related organizations. The council was appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and includes:
Q. How long did the advisory council serve? A.The advisory council existed for ten years from its creation on May 21, 2008. Q. How long were the members' terms? A.Members were appointed for two-year terms. Q. How did the public participate in the deliberations of the advisory council? A.Members of the public could attend any meeting or portion of a meeting that was not closed to the public. The public could offer oral comment at meetings open to the public. Pre-registration and an outline of the anticipated comments was required. In cases where oral public comments are not heard, the meeting announcement published in the Federal Register will note that oral comment from the public is excluded and will invite written comment as an alternative. A.Advisory council meetings were advertised in the Federal Register 15 calendar days prior to the meeting date. Other media (newspapers, radio, etc.) could be used to supplement the Federal Register notice if it was deemed appropriate by the council. Q. Are the minutes of the advisory council meetings available? A.Minutes were prepared of each meeting and are available on this webpage. Copies will be distributed to council members. Minutes of closed meetings are available to the public upon request, subject to the withholding of matters about which public disclosure would be harmful to the interests of the government, industry, or others, and which are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA.) The public may request copies of meeting minutes by contacting the trail at Q. Did the advisory council have a charter? A.Yes. The purpose of the advisory council charter was to specify the council's mission, goals, and objectives, as well as its general operational characteristics. The charter enabled the council to meet and take actions. Charters were renewed every two years, unless otherwise specified in legislation. |
Last updated: June 22, 2021