Special Park Uses and the Special Use Permit Program

The Special Use Permit (SUP) program authorizes activities that provide benefit to an individual, group or organization, rather than the public at large; and that require written authorization and some management control in order to protect park resources and the public interest. Examples include special events, still photography, commercial filming, weddings, scattering of ashes, First Amendment activities, agricultural permits and right-of-way (ROW) easements.

Special Use Permits are granted for specific periods of time and specific locations. Certain cost recovery, fees and insurance requirements may apply.

Permit Application Procedure

Requests for a permit application, park specific conditions, or additional information may be made through park headquarters via telephone, email or letter. A completed application and the non-refundable application fee are required before an application can be processed. Park information is:

Commercial Services Office

Call:(870) 365-2724/(870) 365-2702

Buffalo National River

FAX: 870-365-2799

402 N. Walnut St., Suite 136

Website: www.nps.gov/buff

Harrison, AR 72601

e-mail us

Pay Application Fee

You may pay the non-refundable application fee electronically by visiting Pay.gov. Use the Buffalo National River Special Use Permit Fees Form. No payment necessary for first amendment activities. For filming permits please contact the Commercial Services Office at 870-365-2702 or 870-365-2724.

Click here to be taken directly to the form. Once there, follow these steps:

  • Click Continue to the Form
  • Fill out all the fields in the Permittee Information section. The Business/Event name should be the applicant's name.
  • Check the box for Application Fee and enter $50 in the Application Fee Amount field that pops up.
  • Click the Continue text to enter your payment information and finalize the transaction.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from Pay.gov retain this for your records.

Last updated: September 9, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

402 N. Walnut Street
Suite 136

Harrison, AR 72601


870 439-2502

Contact Us