Getting Around

Be prepared. Keep a good map handy.

Access to Buffalo National River can be found at various points throughout the length of the river. Access roads may not be paved and in some cases are extremely rocky and may require a 4-wheel drive and/or high clearance vehicle. No road follows alongside the river as it floods on a regular basis.

GPS can be very unreliable in this area. Such systems have sent numerous visitors in the wrong direction and onto dirt roads. Please refer to an Arkansas Highway map or park map.

Latitudude and longitude coordinates for park campgrounds and some trailheads are below. See Camping page for campground details.


RUSH 36.1228757113 -92.5507485263
BUFFALO POINT 36.0853650144 -92.5656548749
SPRING CREEK 36.028528897 -92.5800834506
SOUTH MAUMEE 36.0394107175 -92.6299021406
TYLER BEND 35.9867152274 -92.7639029014
WOOLUM 35.972112684 -92.8819327253
CARVER 35.9851823163 -93.0381867299
OZARK 36.0621316711 -93.1597244134
ERBIE 36.0734393674 -93.2177325784
ERBIE HORSE CAMP 36.0800928818 -93.2342204692
STEEL CREEK 36.0407758042 -93.344048343
KYLES LANDING 36.0557562676 -93.2812997285

Trails designated Hikers only are blazed with white. Horse trails are blazed yellow. Hikers may use horse trails. Horseback riders may not use hikers only trails. Check the Hiking page for trail information.

Name Latitude Longitude Type
Steel Creek 36.0392694906 -93.3458715179 Hike
Steel Creek -west 36.0385011527 -93.3352314994 Horse
Steel Creek -east 36.038089647 -93.3464095335 Horse
Ponca 36.0215842559 -93.3543809402 Hike
Ponca 36.0208451565 -93.3556369194 Horse
Kyles 36.0550593739 -93.2817647124 Hike
Centerpoint 36.064016003 -93.3602305671 Horse
Compton 36.0810215635 -93.3031781698 Hike
Compton 36.0810258708 -93.3034346281 Horse
Low Gap 36.0205610007 -93.3127956301 Horse
Camp Orr 36.0563752393 -93.2571927811 Horse
Erbie-Cecil Cove 36.0836063752 -93.2335493107 Horse
Erbie-campground 36.0703459086 -93.2118858701 Hike
Erbie-Parker Hickman 36.0713603683 -93.2222112153 Hike
Hideout Hollow 36.0729461493 -93.2650285287 Hike
Lost Valley 36.0101739755 -93.3745693225 Hike
Box Vally-Low Wild. 35.9453181749 -93.3988126748 Horse
Erbie-Cedar Glade 36.0553121539 -93.1776658239 Hike
Pruitt-River Road N 36.0643201907 -93.1445228328 Horse
Pruitt-Picnic area 36.0610049113 -93.1394834547 Hike
Pruitt-Launch, ORT 36.0576658302 -93.1350316289 Horse
Pruitt-Launch, Mill Creek 36.0576531519 -93.1338598111 Hike
Woolum 35.97181091 -92.8861537449 Horse
Tyler Bend-Collier 35.9753136554 -92.7653407292 Hike
TB-Spring Hollow/Rock Wall 35.9853878095 -92.7588803673 Hike
TB-VC/Riverview 35.985993 -92.763147 Hike
Shine Eye-First lot 35.9857795238 -92.7489936429 Horse
Gilbert 35.9877379907 -92.7155625076 Horse
Spring Creek BRT 36.0284735372 -92.5800107382 Hike
Dillards Ferry BRT 36.0655948779 -92.5782528747 Hike
BP-Indian Rockhouse 36.0814265301 -92.5690563037 Hike
BP-launch pking lot 36.0699137098 -92.5554552215 Hike
BP-lower ranger station 36.073725539 -92.5568546609 Hike
Rush-upper 36.1318784995 -92.5680429932 Hike
Rush-lower 36.1252186404 -92.5491671269 Hike
LW-Tilting Rock 36.0672052122 -92.4787260015 Horse
LW-Advance South 36.1421934981 -92.4134874346 Horse
LW-Advance North 36.1498914191 -92.4054159625 Horse
LW-Hathaway 36.1594798285 -92.4699736495 Horse

Last updated: September 9, 2024

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Mailing Address:

402 N. Walnut Street
Suite 136

Harrison, AR 72601


870 439-2502

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