Woman Injured when Thrown from Mule

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Date: January 20, 2015
Contact: Caven Clark, 870-365-2790

Upper Buffalo River Rangers received a report of a woman with an injury three miles downstream from Steel Creek on the Old River Trail. Rangers responded from Pruitt with the Search and Rescue trailer. At Steel Creek a horseback rider who was a member of the injured person's party was located and it was learned that the injured person had been thrown from a mule. A ranger accompanied the reporting party down Old River Trail on horseback and located the patient on the Old River Trail, a short distance past the Beech Creek Horse Trail junction. Emergency care was provided by the ranger until the litter team arrived on foot. The patient was loaded in the litter and evacuated back up Old River Trail to an awaiting ambulance at Steel Creek. The patient was transported by ambulance to North Arkansas Regional Medical Center. A total of 23 responders were available to assist. In addition to Buffalo National River staff, agencies and volunteer groups included the Mennonite Disaster Services, Newton County Search and Rescue, NARMC, Carrol County SAR Team.

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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