Special Olympics Event at Tyler Bend

Smokey Bear shakes hands with Special Olympian
Mr. Smokey T. Bear makes his introductions.

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News Release Date: October 8, 2016

Contact: Caven Clark, 870-365-2790

Baxter, Marion, Searcy, Newton, Boone, and Carroll counties all had teams of excited Special Olympics participants yesterday at Tyler Bend. About 260 participants enjoyed the cool morning activities which included a scavenger hunt, Frisbee golf, bocce ball, and a softball throw, followed by a picnic lunch. The day kicked off at9:30 amsinging "Happy Birthday" to celebrate the centennial of the National Park Service. The teams then dispersed to their activities until time for lunch at11:30. The day was made extra special by a surprise appearance of Smokey the Bear whose presence brought miles of smiles to the occasion. Many thanks to all the volunteers who assisted in making the day a success, and extra thanks to our participants for all the joy they bring with them. 

 The park-hosted event is funded through a grant from the National Park Foundation and Coca Cola to encourage the use of our public lands for health and wellness activities. Buffalo National River hosted its first Special Olympics event in May and plans to schedule two similar events per calendar year in the future as a way to facilitate park visits by these and similar groups. Throughout the year the park has hosted hikes and picnics for a variety of special needs groups, working with local organizations such as Growing a Healthy Searcy County, Hometown Health, Assisted Living, and others.

Students and Olympians participate in the long jump event.
The Bergman High School tennis team assisted with many of the stations, including the standing long jump.

Fondriest/NPS Photo

Special Olympians look for items for scavenger hunt
Checking off nature observations on the Scavenger Hunt trail.

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Special Olympics participant with animal skin
Skins, skulls and more to explore on the touch table. Just plain happy.

Fondriest/NPS Photo

Last updated: October 13, 2016

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