
National Park Service Mission Statement

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources of the national park system for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.


Brown v. Board of Education NHP Mission Statement

Brown v. Board of Education NHP interprets, for the benefit and inspiration of present and future generations, the people, places, and events that contributed to the landmark United States Supreme Court decision that outlawed segregation in public education. Furthermore, the site interprets the integral role of the Brown case in the Civil Rights Movement, preserves the former Monroe School and cultural landscape, and assists in the interpretation of related local, national, and international resources that further the understanding of the Civil Rights Movement.

Brown v. Board of Education NHP Vision Statement

As a staff, we commit, individually and collectively, to:
  • Present an accurate and faithful interpretation of the story of the Brown case and its role in the Civil Rights Movement and contribute to the continuing dialogue on these issues.
  • Provide the opportunity for people to make emotional and intellectual connections with the Brown story and the Civil Rights Movement through site visitation and outreach programs.
  • Work together in a spirit of cooperation that embodies the National Park Service's Core Values (Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Shared Stewardship, and Tradition) in our daily activities and interactions.
  • Practice the highest standards of public service, public safety, and be diligent stewards of the resources that are entrusted to us.
  • Partner with those who effectively contribute to and share in our mission and vision.
Cover of the long-range interpretive plan, featuring an image of visitors listening to a park ranger's presentation in front of the site.

Long-Range Interpretive Plan
A long-range interpretive plan allows a park to reach out and reevaluate the work we do as interpreters and to suggest ways of improving how we connect with the public. The strength of a park lies in how well its staff hears and addresses the concerns of those who advocate for a park, for those who rely on it as a tool in reaching new audiences, and for those who live adjacent to the park and see it as an integral part of their community.

Long-Range Interpretive Plan

"A Strong Pull, a Long Pull, and a Pull together: Topeka's Contribution to the campaign for School Desegregation"

Historic Resource Study.
This 1999 report chronicles the local Topeka class action law suit that gave its name to the Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education, along with the national and historic context of the case, and its aftermath.
Report cover page displaying the front of the former Monroe Elementary which is a brick building with a red roof and a sign declaring it the Brown v Board of Education National Historic Site
Understanding Visitors to Brown v Board of Education National Historical Park

Visitor Report

With an increased use of parks lately, understanding their social impact is vital to maintaining the value of Brown v Board of Education and parks like it. This study was designed to collect data about the visitor experience at Brown v Board of Education in Kansas inform management's ongoing planning process.

Last updated: May 24, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1515 SE Monroe Street
Topeka, KS 66612-1143


785 354-4273

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