BRVB Long Range Interpretive Plan

Long Range Interpretive Plan

The National Park Service (NPS) has adopted a unified planning approach for interpretation and education.This approach combines planning for interpretive media, personal interpretive services, and education programs. The Long-Range Interpretive Plan is the basic planning document for interpretation and was formally adopted as part of NPS guidelines in 1995. Responsibility for creating the LRIP lies with each park’s superintendent.

The planning process helps parks make practical, goal-driven choices. The LRIP defines the overall vision and long-term (five to seven years) interpretive goals of the park and articulates realistic strategies and actions that work toward achieving those goals. While it considers past interpretive approaches, the LRIP is primarily a forward-looking document that concentrates on actions needed to create or sustain a vigorous and effective interpretive program for the future.

The long-range interpretive planning process features two phases. First, the foundation phase articulates significance, themes, and target audiences. It also includes a review of existing conditions. The second phase of the LRIP process recom- mends interpretive services, media, and partnerships for the site, looking ahead to the next five to seven years.An Implementation Plan divides the recommendations into achievable steps.

Last updated: August 24, 2023

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