Udall Foundation Conducts Parks-In-Focus Training at Big South Fork for NPS Educators

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Date: July 27, 2016
Contact: Veronica Greear, 423-346-6294
Contact: Daniel Banks, 423-569-2404

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On July 27-28, Program Manager Bret Muter, from the Udall Foundation provided Parks-In-Focus facilitator training at Big South Fork NRRA. National Park Service educators from Obed Wild & Scenic River, Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area, Manhattan Project National Historical Park, and Great Smokey Mountains National Park participated in a hands-on training learning how to connect youth to nature through photography and outdoor learning.

The Stewart L. Udall Parks-In-Focus® program connects middle school youth from underserved communities to nature through photography, environmental education, outdoor recreation and creative expression.

Through partnerships with parks and youth-serving organizations, Parks in Focus®:

  • Provides outdoor experiences for middle school youth who have limited exposure to nature.
  • Increases participants’ appreciation for their local environment and public lands.
  • Encourages participants to use photography as a tool for environmental learning and as an outlet for creative expression.
  • Engages participants in service and stewardship.
In 2016, Obed Wild & Scenic River entered into an agreement with Udall Foundation's Parks-In-Focus program, partnering to incorporate Parks-In-Focus into education programs with youth groups in the local community.

For more information about the Parks-In-Focus program, please click here.

Last updated: July 28, 2016

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