Big South Fork NRRA and Obed WSR Celebrate National Park Week - April 16 thru April 24

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Date: March 25, 2011
Contact: Howard Duncan, 423-569-9778

America's National Parks have been called our nation's best idea. Each year during National Park Week we recognize the areas that have been set aside to preserve the special places and stories that have shaped our country. During April 16-24, in celebration of National Park Week, the National Park Service would like to extend an invitation to visit Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Obed Wild and Scenic River. Spring is a wonderful time to get outside, enjoy the good weather and observe the beautiful display that nature provides each year. Whether you hike, ride a horse, canoe the rivers, bicycle or simply choose a quiet spot to relax, these two areas provide an amazing variety of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.

In recognition of National Park Week, Big South Fork NRRA will be hosting the following interpretive programs:

Saturday, April 23, 2011 - Spring Wildflowers of Big South Fork
Join Park Ranger Howard Duncan for a delightful hike along the Big South Fork River searching for spring wildflowers. You will certainly see some of the more common spring wildflowers and may discover some uncommon ones as well. Wear comfortable walking shoes; bring your wildflower guide, your camera and your interest in discovering nature. For those wanting to bring along their lunch, the Angel Falls rapid is a beautiful place to enjoy a picnic. The hike is an easy four mile round-trip to the Angel Falls rapid and back to Leatherwood Ford. Meet Ranger Duncan at the Leatherwood Ford gazebo at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011 - Take a Ride on the Wild(flower) Side
Spring is a wonderful time to ride your horse at Big South Fork. Have you ever wondered about or even noticed those flowers blooming along the horse trail? Take some time to ride the trails with Park Ranger Sue Duncan in search of spring wildflowers. The group will stop to look at wildflowers along the trail, learn a few of their names, and talk about some of their legends and stories. Riders will be traveling to Charit Creek via the Jacks Ridge and Black House Branch trails. From Charit Creek Lodge, riders will follow Station Camp Creek horse trail before returning to Bandy Creek by way of the Duncan Hollow Trail. The entire ride will be approximately 15 miles. This horseback ride will leave from the Bandy Creek Equestrian Trailhead at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. You must bring your own horse. You may want to bring water and a wildflower guide. You may also wish to pack a lunch, as there are a number of beautiful places to stop for a picnic along the way.  

For information about either of these programs or directions to the trailhead please, contact the Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275.  

For more information about recreational opportunities at either Big South Fork or Obed, contact Big South Fork's Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275 or the Obed Visitor Center at (423) 346-6294. You may also get information at the Obed website at

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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