Superintendent's Compendium


In accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations (“36 CFR”), Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, authorized by Title 16 United States Code, Section 3, the following regulatory provisions are established for the proper management, protection, government and public use of those portions of Bandelier National Monument under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. Unless otherwise stated, these regulatory provisions apply in addition to the requirements contained in 36 CFR, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7.

Written determinations, which explain the reasoning behind the Superintendent’s use of discretionary authority, as required by Section 1.5(c), appear in this document identified by italicized print.



Note: Violations under this section should be cited under §1.5(f).

(a)(1) The following visiting hours and public use limits are established for all or for the listed portions of the Monument, and the following closures are established for all or a portion of the Monument to all public use or specified activity:

▪Hours of Operation

Hours of operation are general closures and do not take into account special use permits signed by the Superintendent, registered guests, or Monument-sponsored events. For the purposes of enforcement, dusk is defined as one-half hour after sunset and dawn is defined as one-half hour before sunrise.

All areas of Bandelier National Monument are open from dawn to dusk except the Tsankawi Unit which is open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The following exceptions exist:

o Designated backcountry areas for permitted users; specifically, overnight backcountry camping
areas and “in-travel” hiking users and valid backcountry permits;
o Designated campsites and parking areas in Juniper and Ponderosa campgrounds, occupied by permitted users;
o The overflow parking lot signed for Night Sky Viewing at Juniper Campground is open for Night Sky Viewing;
o Any Bandelier area being used as part of an official park event during that event or the organization of the event;
o Parking areas for vehicles with appropriate valid displayed permits; specifically, vehicles parked overnight with displayed backcountry or other authorized permits;
o Areas approved under valid Bandelier National Monument issued Special Use, Research, or other permits;
o The roadside pullout and access corridor on the east (or north) side of State Route 4 at about mile marker 46.5 known as the “County Line Access Corridor” for persons accessing US Forest Service lands;
o Forest Road 289, known as the “Dome Road” through the Monument for through-traveling vehicle traffic only.

Determinations: The hours of operation are set to provide maximum visitor satisfaction during hours when staff is on site. All areas in the Monument are closed after dusk to deter vandalism and theft of natural, cultural and archaeological resources. All of the exceptions are self- explanatory and are there to accommodate permitted activity.

▪ Closures

The following areas within Bandelier National Monument are closed:

o Hiking or pedestrian use of areas off of the designated trail/walking system in Frijoles Canyon is prohibited outside the areas surrounding the Cottonwood Picnic and Parking area and the Visitor Center Parking and Historic areas. The off trail closure extends from the Alcove House to the Falls Trailhead and continues east on the north side of the canyon wall to the Frijoles Canyon rim below the Frijoles Canyon Overlook. Please see included map for further definition of the off trail closed area.
o Public access is prohibited without a permit on Frijoles Mesa in the following areas: Park Housing areas on Salt Brush and Paint Brush Loops, the Maintenance Facility on Frijoles Mesa, and the Maintenance Yard located on NM Route 4 just east of the Bandelier Entrance Road. See map below for closure areas.
o The Tsankawi mesa top and shelf along the return of the Tsankawi Main Loop Trail is closed to off trail hiking.

Frijoles Canyon Off-Trail Closure
Frijoles Mesa Top Public Closures

Determinations: The areas off trail in Frijoles Canyon contain sensitive archeological sites that are extremely fragile, easily damaged, and cannot sustain high traffic and unguided use. The prohibition from leaving the Main Loop Trail and on entering sites exists to protect the sites from unintended damage, reduce social trailing to the sites, and to reduce the potential for vandalism.

The employee housing area is closed to the public to provide the employees some privacy at their residences. The Maintenance facilities are closed to protect park facilities.

▪ Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Bandelier National Monument is prohibited. Emergency and Urgent operations can be authorized by the Park Superintendent (as described in the memo from the NPS Deputy Director, March 11, 2019). All other uses require regional approval using the approval process as outlined in Reference Manual 60. Guidance for special use permits when making a request to utilize a UAV in a park can be found in Policy Memorandum 14-05.

Definition: The term "unmanned aircraft" means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g.,model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.

Determinations: Management policies require the NPS to use caution when confronted with a new park use such as the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s). The NPS is working to develop a long-term management policy for UAVs and allowing this use before the park has properly evaluated whether this use is appropriate could result in unacceptable impacts to park resources, values, and visitor safety. Unmanaged or unrestricted recreational use of model aircraft and UASs within Bandelier National Monument will conflict with, or impact, a variety of park uses including visitor experience of unimpaired view sheds; the disturbance, displacement or harassment of park wildlife; creation of public safety hazards per operation near roadways or large aggregations of visitors; and visual or aural impacts to wilderness character and values within the park backcountry.

(a)(2) The following areas have been designated for a specific use or activity, under the conditions and/or restrictions as noted:

First Amendment area map

▪ First Amendment Activities

Public gatherings or demonstrations including, but not limited to, religious observances or distribution of related materials may be held only in the following designated areas:

o The primary First Amendment site is in front of the Visitor Center on the southeast side of the Visitor Center. This area is outlined with rocks and has public walkways on all sides. All activities are to remain inside the rock outline and not extend onto any of the walkways.
o The secondary First Amendment site is located between Frijoles Creek and the Visitor Center Theater. This area begins where the walkway veers away from the creek and the gravel area widens. The bushes near the creek are on one side and the side nearest the Theater remains 5 feet from the walkway, then the area extends to the two large rocks on the west side.
o Both areas are represented on the attached map. This section shall not be interpreted so as to interfere with the rights of Native Americans as delineated in the Native American Religious Freedom Act, nor any other applicable regulation or policy (See map on next page).

The following restrictions and/or conditions are in effect for the specific uses or activities:

o Implementation of a public use limit: Groups of 25 or more engaged in public gatherings or demonstrations including, but not limited to, religious observances or distribution of related materials, must obtain a permit in accordance with the criteria and procedures of 36 CFR 1.6. Individuals or groups of less than 25 do not need a permit but must remain within the designated areas.
o Groups of 25 or more may not circumvent the permit process by breaking into smaller groups.
o Activities may include the use of hand-carried signs, but not stages, platforms, or structures.
o The use of loudspeakers or other sound amplifying devices is prohibited.
o Normal pedestrian traffic may not be impeded by activities under this section.

Determinations: In order to accommodate Freedom of Speech Activities, the Superintendent has designated the areas as shown on the attached map where such activities may take place. Groups of 25 or more are required to obtain a permit. The Superintendent will issue permits upon request after making a determination that the requested activity will not have an adverse impact on public health and safety, environmental or scenic values, natural or cultural resources, scientific research, implementation of management responsibilities, proper allocation and use of facilities, or the avoidance of conflict among visitor use activities. The Superintendent must remain content neutral when evaluating the issuance of a permit for First Amendment activities. Use of these areas will be on a “first come, first served” basis. A group holding a permit will NOT have priority over a smaller group already in place.

▪ Shuttle Bus Requirements

From mid-May through mid-October, entry into Frijoles Canyon is by shuttle bus only. The exact dates and shuttle times for the shuttle service each year will be determined by the Superintendent and posted on the park website at: The shuttle runs from the White Rock Visitor Center Complex in White Rock located at 115 State Road 4, White Rock, NM.


o Private vehicles will be allowed to enter Frijoles Canyon from dawn to 9am and from 3pm to dusk. From 9am to 3pm entry into Frijoles Canyon by shuttle bus is required with the following exceptions:
o School groups that arrive in school buses or vans. School groups arriving only in private vehicles will not be allowed to drive into the
canyon. If there is a private vehicle or two accompanying a school
group that is travelling in school vans or busses, they may travel with the group into the canyon.
o Cultural demonstrators that are scheduled by the park or park concessions to demonstrate on a particular day.
o Backcountry permit holders who intend to depart and return outside of the bus schedule.
o Commercial Use Authorization Tour groups.
o ADA visitors requiring their vehicles.
o Persons with pets in their vehicles.
o Administrative uses.
o Bicyclists will be allowed to ride into the canyon.
o Affiliated Pueblo groups that have coordinated their visit with the Tribal Liaison or Superintendents Office.
o NPS employees, Volunteers, Concession employees, and WNPA employees required to be in Frijoles Canyon.
o USPS mail delivery.
o Personal visitors of employees living in the canyon.
o Researchers with valid permits.
o Other special groups as approved by the Superintendent.
o Visitor access by personal vehicle will be allowed from dawn until 9am and from 3pm until dusk. Once in, vehicles may remain through the day until closing.
o Special Use Permit (SUP) holders.

▪ Passenger Carrying Buses

Allowing bus engines to idle for more than 5 minutes in Frijoles Canyon, the Amphitheater parking lot, or any other location within Bandelier is prohibited. except for Atomic City shuttle buses.

▪ Camping

Please refer to Section II ACTIVITIES THAT REQUIRE A PERMIT §2.10(a) Camping in Designated Campgrounds for detailed camping area designations.

▪ Technical Rock Climbing Routes

Rock climbing, both technical and non-technical, is prohibited throughout the Monument.

▪ Geo-caching

The creation or maintenance of a “geo-cache” containing any physical items within the Monument is prohibited. “Virtual” caches may be created and maintained as long as they meet the designated management conditions of the location. Conditions include consistency with park management plans such as not encouraging off-trail travel or travel in closed areas, visitor safety considerations, and the protection of resources. (Abandoning or leaving property unattended is also a violation of 36 CFR, Section 2.22(a) – Property).



Note: Violations under this section should be cited under §1.6(g)(1) or (2)

(f) The following is a compilation of those activities for which a permit from the Superintendent is required:

▪ §1.5(d) The following activities related to Public Use Limits:

o Backcountry Permit – Any person entering the designated backcountry/wilderness area within the Monument for overnight use is required to obtain a Backcountry Permit. This permit is obtained in person from the Bandelier Visitor Center prior to the planned trip. (Phone: 505-672-3861 ext. 1800)
o Academic Fee Waiver Permit – Education institutions applying for fee waivers are required to make a group reservation and obtain a group use permit by contacting the Monument, normally two weeks prior to a visit. They must provide an outline of group visit plan, a lesson plan that outlines the role their visit to the Monument plays in the curriculum of the class, documentation of the legal status of the organization as a recognized defined educational institution (as requested), and a signed group visit agreement. Groups failing to abide by these regulations may be subject to fines and/or disciplinary action (i.e. - being banned from the Monument in the future) affecting the student, teacher, and/or group leader, and/or the school as a whole. This permit is obtained from the Fee Budget Technician and can be reached at 505-672-3861 extension 1519.

▪ § 2.1(a)(5) Accessing designated restricted Archeological or Cultural areas:

o In areas designated by the Superintendent pursuant to the issuance of a permit

▪ § 2.5(b) Specimen collecting, research, and some science education activities.

o Permits can be requested online at
o Please refer to 36 CFR §2.5 RESEARCH SPECIMENS

Note: When permits are required for scientific activities pertaining solely to cultural resources, including archeology, ethnography, history, cultural museum objects, cultural landscapes, and historic and prehistoric structures, other permit procedures apply and will be outlined during the permitting process.

▪ § 2.10(a) Camping in designated campgrounds:

o Ponderosa Campground
o Juniper Campground
o Any backcountry camping area

Obtain camp permits at the Juniper Campground Ventek machine for Juniper Campground, from for Ponderosa Campground and Juniper Group sites. Backcountry camping permits from the Visitor Center during business hours.

▪ § 2.11 Picnicking

o Groups of 21 or more may be allowed to picnic in the Cottonwood, Amphitheater, and Frijoles Canyon Parking Lot Island Picnic area by permit or approval from the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 extension 1102

▪ § 2.12 Creating Audio Disturbances

o (a)(2) Operating a chain saw in developed areas
o (a)(3) Operating any type of portable motor or engine, or device powered by a portable motor or engine in non-developed areas
o (a)(4) Operating a public address system in connection with a public gathering or special event for which a permit has been issued pursuant to § 2.50 or § 2.51
o Permits are available through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to Section III, Regulations § 2.12 AUDIO DISTURBANCES

▪ § 2.17 Aircraft and Air Delivery

o (a)(3) Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter or other airborne means
o (c)(1) Removal of a downed aircraft
o Request permits through the Chief Ranger’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1401
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.17 AIRCRAFT AND AIR DELIVERY

▪ § 2.37 Soliciting or Demanding Gifts, Money, Goods or Services (Pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit issued under § 2.50, § 2.51 or § 2.52)

o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.37 NONCOMMERCIAL SOLICITING

▪ § 2.38 Using or Possessing Explosives

o (a) Using, possessing, storing, or transporting explosives, blasting agents
o (b) Using or possessing fireworks
o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.38 EXPLOSIVES

▪ § 2.50 Conducting a sports event, pageant, regatta, public spectator attraction, entertainment, ceremony, or similar events

o Request permits which shall detail location, restrictions and liability insurance requirements, through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.50(a) SPECIAL EVENTS

▪ §2.51 Conducting a public assembly, meeting, gathering, demonstration, parade or other public expression of views

o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.51 Demonstrations and designated available park areas
▪ § 2.52 Selling or distributing printed matter that is not solely commercial advertising
o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 2.52 Sale of printed matter and the distribution of printed matter and other message-bearing items.

▪ § 5.1 Displaying, posting or distributing advertisements

o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 5.1 ADVERTISEMENTS

▪ § 5.5 Commercial filming, still photography, and audio recording

The following types of filming activities may occur in areas open to the public without a permit and without advance notice to the NPS:

o Outdoor filming activities [outside of areas managed as wilderness]2 involving five persons or less and equipment that will be carried at all times, except for small tripods used to hold cameras.

The organizer of any other type of filming activity must provide written notice to the Superintendent at least 10 days prior to the start of the proposed activity. Based upon the information provided, the Superintendent may require the organizer to apply for and obtain a permit if necessary to:

o maintain public health and safety;
o protect environmental or scenic values;
o protect natural or cultural resources;
o allow for equitable allocation and use of facilities; or
o avoid conflict among visitor use activities.

If the Superintendent determines that the terms and conditions of a permit could not mitigate the concerns identified above in an acceptable manner, the Superintendent may deny a filming request without issuing a permit. The Superintendent will provide the basis for denial in writing upon request.

The NPS will consider requests and process permit applications in a timely manner. Processing times will vary depending on the complexity of the proposed activity. If the organizer provides the required 10 day advance notice to the NPS and has not received a written response from the NPS that a permit is required prior to the first day of production, the proposed filming activities may occur without a permit.

The following are prohibited:

(1) Engaging in a filming activity without providing advance notice to the Superintendent when required.
(2) Engaging in a filming activity without a permit if [the activity takes place in areas managed as wilderness or if]3 the Superintendent has notified the organizer in writing that a permit is required.
(3) Violating a term and condition of a permit issued under this action.
Violating a term or condition of a permit issued under to this action may also result in the suspension and revocation of the permit by the Superintendent.

o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 5.5 Filming, still photography, and audio recording

▪ §5.6 (c) The Superintendent shall issue permits for commercial vehicles used on Monument area roads when such use is necessary for access to private lands situated within or adjacent to the Monument area, to which access is otherwise not available.

o Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office at 505-672-3861 ext. 1102
o Please refer to 36 CFR § 5.6(c) COMMERCIAL VEHICLES




(a)(5) Walking on, climbing, entering, ascending, descending, or traversing an archeological or cultural resource, monument, or statue, is prohibited except in designated areas and under the following conditions:

▪ Entering archeological sites within the backcountry and wilderness is allowed under the following conditions:

o Climbing, walking on, sitting on, or otherwise having physical contact with standing wall, prehistoric structures, shrines, or other exposed archeological features is prohibited.
o In the backcountry, walking through unexposed archeological features is allowed for exploration purposes so long as such actions are not damaging to the resource and in accordance with 36 CFR 2.1.

▪ Archeological sites accessible directly from the Main Loop Trail and the Tsankawi loop trail that are directly accessible through established ladders and trails may be entered, for day use visits only.
▪ In other areas as designated by the Superintendent pursuant to the issuance of a permit.

(c)(1), (c)(2) The following fruits, nuts, and berries may be gathered by hand for personal use or consumption, in accordance with the noted size, quantity, collection sites, and/or use of consumption restrictions:

▪ The gathering, possession and consumption of fruits, berries, nuts, and other natural products are restricted in the Monument and are for personal consumption within the Monument only. No Monument derived item may be sold.
▪ For resource protection, the gathering of mushrooms is prohibited.

The following are prohibited except through a permit issued by the Superintendent:

▪ Gathering any resource for commercial purposes
▪ Taking conifer cones, fungi, lichens and "fiddle-head" ferns or other plant material.

Determination: Limiting fruit, nut, and berry collection reduces the likelihood that the Monument will be adversely affected. The imposed limits are generally considered generous and should not create hardship.

Removal of cones, fungi, or fiddle heads is in violation of 36 CFR § 2.1 (a)(1)(ii) “Possessing, destroying, injuring, defacing, removing, digging, or disturbing from its natural state plants or the parts or products thereof.” Limited collection of fruits, berries, and nuts is exempt from this restriction because the CFR provides Superintendents an avenue for permitting such activity and park managers have determined that collection of these items is not detrimental to future populations.


(a)(1) Tracking wounded wildlife into the Monument, which was lawfully wounded outside of Monument boundaries, is prohibited unless accompanied by a commissioned park ranger.

The ranger on site may terminate the search if the animal is not located within a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the ranger. Call the Visitor Center at 505-672-3861 ext. 1800 or Los Alamos County Dispatch Center at 505-662-8222 or NPS Dispatch Center at 928-608-6301 and ask to speak to a Bandelier Law Enforcement Ranger.

(a)(2) The calling of wildlife, including artificial calls or recording devices, is prohibited within the Monument.

Determination: The use of artificial calls can interfere with the natural behavior of wildlife and intentionally disturbing wildlife is prohibited in 36 CFR 2.2(a)(2)

(d) The transporting of lawfully taken wildlife through the Monument is permitted under the following conditions and procedures:

▪ Lawfully taken wildlife may be transported through the Monument only on the following roads New Mexico State Highway 4 and on U.S. Forest Service Road 289 (known as the Dome Road), or otherwise with prior notification and approval or when accompanied by a Bandelier Law Enforcement Ranger. (Call the Visitor Center at 505-672-3861 ext. 1800 or Los Alamos County Dispatch at 505-662-8222 or NPS Dispatch at 928-608-6301 and ask to speak to a Bandelier Law Enforcement Ranger.)
▪ Lawfully taken wildlife may only be transported through the Monument at the Forest Service Access Corridor at the turnout on New Mexico Highway 4 known as “County Line,” this permission is granted under 2.4(d)(4).

Note: The county line access is physically located on the North side of NM route 4, the first paved pullout West of the Sandoval and Los Alamos County line.

(e) Viewing wildlife by artificial light (spotlighting, including redirection of vehicle headlights) is prohibited Monument-wide.

Note: Night vision devices are not artificial lights, however, infrared lighting/beams are.

Determination: These regulations help to protect against the unlawful taking of wildlife within the Monument.

36 FR §2.3 – FISHING

• Capulin Creek is closed to fishing.
• Rito del Frijoles is closed to fishing from the Confluence of the Rio Grande to the Wilderness Boundary past the Alcove House.
• All fishing in Bandelier is catch and release only.
• Only artificial flys and lures with a single barbless hook permitted.

Note: The Rio Grande along the parks eastern boundary is open to fishing, all state fishing regulations apply.

Determinations: In general, the Monument follows state law on fishing but may issue closures and restrictions for fishing and areas when the Superintendent determines it is in the best interest of the resource or the public. All streams in the Monument were adversely affected by the Las Conchas Fire and subsequent flooding. Streams and recent fish reintroductions are still recovering. Capulin Creek is closed because there are currently no fish in Capulin Creek.


(d) A special use permit signed by the Superintendent or designee is required to transport weapons, traps, or nets across park lands.

▪ The actual USE of firearms within the Monument is PROHIBITED. Use includes aiming, sighting, or using a scope to view wildlife.
▪ Firearms are prohibited in all federal facilities.
▪ In the State of New Mexico you must be 19 years of age to carry a firearm “open carry” and must be 21 years of age to obtain a Concealed Weapons permit and “carry concealed.”
▪ All other weapons, traps and nets remain prohibited to possess or use in the Monument except as authorized by a permit in accordance with 36 CFR 2.4.
▪ Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office – (505) 672-3861, ext. 1102.

Determination: As of February 22, 2010, federal law changed to allow the carriage of firearms in National Parks and Monuments pursuant to state law. While that section of the CFR has changed, it remains prohibited to use a firearm within NPS boundaries. (Use of a firearm includes pointing, looking through an optic mounted on the firearm, display or brandishing, and the actual firing of the weapon.) Carriage of a loaded firearm through the Monument while engaged in a legal or illegal hunt outside of the Monument is not allowed as that activity meets the definition of “take”.

Firearm means a loaded or unloaded pistol, rifle, shotgun or other weapon, which is designed to, or may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the ignition of a propellant.

Weapon means a firearm, compressed gas or spring-powered pistol or rifle, bow and arrow, crossbow, blowgun, spear gun, hand-thrown spear, slingshot, irritant gas device, explosive device, or any other implement designed to discharge missiles, and includes a weapon the possession of which is prohibited under the laws of the State in which the park area or portion thereof is located.


(a) The sites and areas listed below have been designated for camping activities as noted. A permit system has been established for certain campgrounds or camping activities, and conditions for camping and camping activities are in effect as noted:

▪ Camping is prohibited in all areas of the Monument except established campgrounds and permitted backcountry areas.

▪ Juniper Campground

o The maximum allowable number of persons in any one group occupying a campsite is ten (10), and the maximum number of tents per individual campsite is two (2). Camping is permitted only on the established tent pads and is not permitted on any vegetated area.
o Parking more than two vehicles per site is prohibited except in those sites designed and designated for additional units. Travel trailers shall be considered vehicles for the purpose of this subsection. Extra vehicles may be parked in the Amphitheater parking lot. Vehicles and trailers must remain on the pavement.
o Campsites should be vacated by 11:30 a.m. unless staying the following night.
o Gathering of live, dead, or down wood is prohibited.

▪ Group Camping at Bandelier

o Groups larger than 10 will be required to stay in either of the designated group sites at Ponderosa Group Campground or the designated group sites in Juniper Campground (Sites 1 and 5 in the Abert’s Squirrel Loop).

▪ Juniper Group Campground

o Juniper Group sites are reserved for groups and administrative use only. Groups will not be allowed in the main Juniper Campground, which is reserved for family camping only. Each group site will have a maximum capacity of twenty (20) individuals.
o At Juniper Campground, groups must be at least ten (10) but not more than twenty (20) persons in size. Groups will not be permitted to split up to accommodate these size limits and are permitted to occupy only one group site per night. EXCEPTION: A group greater than ten (10) but less than thirty (30) may occupy two group sites within the limits of each site.
o Only five (5) vehicles per group are permitted including the allowable number of recreational vehicles per site. Only one (1) recreational vehicle per group is permitted. For the purpose of this policy, recreational vehicles are defined as any motor home, travel trailer, cab-over camper, or tent camper.
o Only ten (10) tents per group site are permitted.

▪ Ponderosa Group Campground

o The minimum allowable number of persons per campsite is 10.
o The maximum allowable number of persons per campsite is 50.
o No more than one recreational vehicle per campsite is permitted. For the purpose of this subsection, a recreational vehicle is defined as a motor home, pickup truck with camper, tent trailers, or travel trailers.
o Camping is allowed only within posted campground limits.
o Parking more than five vehicles per site is prohibited except in those sites designed and designated for additional units. Travel trailers shall be considered vehicles for the purpose of this subsection. Camping vehicles may not park in the Trailhead parking area, which is the area outside the gated entrance to the group sites.
o Campsites should be vacated by 11:30 a.m. unless a reservation and payment has been made for the following night.

▪ Backcountry Camping

In accordance with the backcountry use guidelines, the following are in effect:

o Overnight travel and camping is prohibited from the rim of Frijoles Canyon north to the Monument boundary at New Mexico State Highway 4, except in designated campgrounds.
o Camping and overnight travel is prohibited in Alamo Canyon from the Monument’s west boundary to the north shoreline of the Rio Grande at the mouth of the canyon.
o Camping and overnight travel is prohibited in Capulin Canyon from the south end of camping zone “D,” to the southern boundary of Bandelier.
o Camping and overnight travel is prohibited in lower Lummis Canyon from the trail crossing south to the north shoreline of the Rio Grande.
o The area along the north shoreline of the Rio Grande river corridor is closed to camping and overnight travel east from the west rim of Alamo Canyon to the east rim of lower Lummis Canyon.
o Camping and overnight travel is prohibited in the section west of Alamo Canyon as designated including the Yapashi Pueblo and associated archeological areas.
o Occupying the same campsite for more than three consecutive nights in the backcountry area of the Monument is prohibited. Camping in Frijoles Zone E is restricted to one night only.

▪ Generally

o The maximum number of nights that any person or group may occupy any space in the established campgrounds of the Monument is 14 total nights during the period of the Friday before Memorial Day until Labor Day, and 14 consecutive nights at any time during the rest of the year with a limit of 28 total nights.
o Camping on or in archeological sites or caves is prohibited.
o Camping within one-quarter mile of major archeological sites (San Miguel Ruins, Painted Cave, Yapashi Pueblo Ruins and Frijolito Ruins) is prohibited.
o Generators may not be operated in established campgrounds between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and then use must be reasonable so as not to cause a nuisance to other campers.
o Generators in the Campground that produce more than 60 decibels and create a noise nuisance will have to be shut down and run in 1-hour intervals during allowed operating hours.

Determination: Bandelier camp sites with close proximity together and visitors to Bandelier value the peacefulness of the campgrounds. While generator use is allowed, excessive use at any one occurrence, beyond 60 minutes, will be considered unreasonable.

(d) Conditions for the storage of food are in effect as noted, for the following areas.

▪ Food must be securely stored at all times, except during the actual preparation of a meal, to prevent animal access. Coolers and other food containment devices must be secured to prevent any access and should be kept in vehicles, trailers, bear boxes, or other protection devices to prevent access by Wildlife (bear, deer, elk, birds, etc.).
▪ Backcountry Campers must store all food and food scented items in an approved Certified Bear Resistant storage container. Bear resistant storage containers are available at the Visitor Center for loan.

Determination: This regulation reduces the likelihood of creating habituated wildlife and nuisance animals by eliminating human-caused wildlife attractants. Reducing habituated and nuisance wildlife also reduces the potential for wildlife bites and provides for the safety and well-being of Monument visitors and wildlife.


▪ Cottonwood Picnic Area

o Open year-round for picnicking except that, for the period beginning the Friday before Memorial Day weekend until September 30, this area is designated for picnicking by groups of fewer than 20 persons per site. Groups of more than 20 may be allowed by a written permit (§1.5(d) Public use limit) or by approval by the Superintendent’s office at 505-672-3861 extension 502.

▪ Juniper Campground

o Picnicking is permitted but requires a camp site reservation and may not exceed 10 people per site for Individual sites in accordance with campground rules.

▪ Juniper Group Campground

o Picnicking is permitted but requires a camp site reservation and may not exceed 20 people per site for group sites in accordance with campground rules.

▪ Ponderosa Group Campground

o Picnicking by groups is permitted but require a reservation and may not exceed 50 people per site. The shelters and campgrounds can be reserved when the campground area is open for use through the group reservation process. Extended group use of the facility before 11:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. will require a reservation.

▪ Amphitheater Picnic Area

o Picnicking is allowed by groups of 20 or less on a first come basis. Groups of more than 20 is allowed by permit (§1.5(d) Public use limit) or approval by the Superintendent. To request a permit contact the Superintendent’s office at 505-672-3861 extension 1102

▪ Frijoles Canyon Parking Lot Island Picnic Area

o Picnicking is allowed by groups of 20 or less on a first come basis. Groups of more than 20 is allowed by permit (§1.5(d) Public use limit) or approval by the Superintendent. To request a permit contact the Superintendent’s office at 505-672-3861 extension 1102

Determination: Picnicking in campgrounds is by permit only to maintain open areas for registered campers, Group size for Campgrounds must be maintained per campgrounds rules. Larger groups should reserve space in Ponderosa campground. To reserve a campground site for the purpose of picnicking you need to reserve the site for the night as if you were camping in it. Picnicking in non-campground picnic areas in groups of 21 or more requires a permit to keep congestion down in the area during peak use.

36 CFR §2.13 – FIRES

(a)(1) The lighting or maintaining of fires is prohibited, except as provided for in the following designated areas and/or receptacles, and under the conditions noted:

▪ Designated Areas

o Campfires are prohibited in all areas except in the grills provided for such purpose in the Juniper and Ponderosa Campgrounds. Only containerized fuel burning stoves are permitted in the wilderness/backcountry areas.
o Wood and/or charcoal fires are prohibited in the Amphitheater, Cottonwood and Visitor Center Picnic Areas. Containerized fuel-type stoves are permitted.

▪ Established Conditions for Fires

o Campfires must be attended in person by the user at all times and shall not be abandoned.

(b) Fires must be extinguished according to the following conditions:

▪ All campfires must be completely extinguished and out “cold.” Fires must be “drowned;” soil containment/cover is generally not adequate to fully extinguish a fire.

Determination: While the NPS seeks to provide opportunities for picnicking throughout the Monument, another goal is to prevent wildland fires, to prevent debris associated with charcoal grills, and to reduce the potential for other resource damage. Because of the problems associated with disposal of hot coals from charcoal grills and from wood fires, these methods used to heat food are restricted to campgrounds only.


(a)(2) The use of government refuse receptacles or facilities for dumping household, commercial, or industrial refuse, brought as such from private or municipal property is prohibited except for:

▪ Waste generated while visiting Bandelier National Monument may be placed in government receptacles. General household, commercial, or industrial waste generated outside of the Monument is prohibited.
▪ Human waste must be buried or carried out from the backcountry in compliance with the backcountry use guidelines available at the Visitor Center. No burning of any materials is permitted.

Determination: Refuse containers are placed throughout the Monument to service the visitor. Household waste from outside the Monument taxes the capacity of trash receptacles and ads to the cost of waste removal. Burning of waste materials in the backcountry is not allowed due to the high possibility of starting wildfire. Backcountry use guidelines are available at the Visitor Center.

36 CFR §2.15 – PETS

(a)(1) Pets are permitted only in the following areas:

▪ Juniper and Pondersoa Campgrounds in designated campsites and along roadsides.
▪ Visitor Center, Cottonwood, Amphitheater, and Agoyo Parking areas.
▪ Cottonwood Picnic area-roadsides and designated picnic sites.
▪ Forest Road 289 (Dome Road) when the road is closed, and it is restricted to the actual roadway or immediate shoulder area.
▪ County Line Access Corridor along trail only.
▪ Pets

o All pets within the Monument must be under physical control with a leash no more than 6 feet in length at all times.
o Pets may not accompany individuals on trails. “Comfort animals” are not considered service animals and are subject to the same restrictions as all other non-service animals.
o Search and rescue animals which are involved in an active search and rescue within the boundaries of the Monument, or training within Monument boundaries approved by the Superintendent, are allowed with their handlers.

▪ Service Animals

o Service animals can accompany their handler wherever their handler has a right to be. A service animal means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability.
o The service animal must be under the control of its handler. Service animal must be harnessed, leased or tethered unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices. The service animal can be off leash to do its job but must return to be leashed when it has completed its job or task.

Determination: As of October 18, 2018, the National Park Service (NPS) issued Policy
Memorandum18-02 – Use of Service Animals by Visitors with Disabilities. The memorandum brought NPS policy into alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure visitors with disabilities who have service animals can access parks.

(a)(3) Pets may be left tied and unattended to an object in the following areas, under the conditions noted:

▪ Pets are only permitted to be tied up and left unattended in Juniper and Ponderosa Campground sites. Pets can be tied to the owner’s vehicle, or appropriate tie out stake, (stakes may only be placed in the ground within the designated tent pad site) provided that the pet is not left for a period exceeding 15 minutes, the pet is not making unreasonable noise or otherwise creating a disturbance or safety hazard, and the pet is not exposed to conditions which endanger the pet’s health.
▪ Owners are required to provide water for the duration of their time away from the pet.

(a)(5) Pet excrement must be disposed of in accordance with the following conditions:

▪ Pet excrement will be removed and disposed of by the person(s) responsible for the care of the animal.

(e) Pets may be kept by Monument residents under the following conditions:

▪ Per the established policy as defined in the housing policy. Pets are not permitted in the “cabin” area of Frijoles Canyon. See housing policy.

Determination: Managing pet excrement in high use areas and areas where visitors congregate, sit, and lay down is necessary for human and pet health and safety.

Note: Leaving pets in vehicles during the summer months can be dangerous to pet health due to the heat. Pet owners wishing to leave pets in or around their vehicles should be aware that it is not uncommon to see bears or mountain lions in the area, which can also be a threat to the pets. The Superintendent strongly encourages visitors to leave their pets at home when visiting Bandelier National Monument.


(a) The following animals are designated as pack animals for purposes of transporting equipment:

▪ “Pack animal” means horses, burros, mules, or other hoofed mammals when designated as pack animals by the Superintendent.

(b) The use of horses or pack animals is not allowed on the following trails, routes, or areas:

All trails in the Monument are currently closed to stock use of any kind.

o Except for administrative use approved by the Superintendent.
o Free-trailing or loose herding is prohibited in the Monument.

▪ Pack animals are not permitted for overnight camping in Ponderosa or Juniper Campgrounds.

Determination: Due to the conditions of trails in the Monument, the Superintendent has deemed the use of stock and pack animals unsafe and that any use will result in further deterioration of trails and of the area around trails, as stock are forced to travel off trail around the worst areas. When major repairs are completed and routine maintenance of the trails allows, stock use will be re-opened.

Ponderosa and Juniper Campgrounds are not designed, nor do they have the infrastructure to accommodate camping with stock or pack animals.


(c)(1) The removal of a downed aircraft, components, or parts thereof is subject to procedures established by the Superintendent through written authorization.

▪ Request permits through the Chief Ranger’s Office – (505) 672-3861, ext. 1401


(c) Snowmobiles are only authorized on U.S. Forest Service Road 289 (known as the Dome Road.) Travel is restricted to the roadway only.

Determination: The Dome Road is a Forest Service road that crosses Monument lands. The forest service closes the road to non-resident motor vehicles during the winter. When the road is closed to motor vehicles and the gate is closed, snowmobiling is allowed on the road for residents who live behind the gate as a means of accessing their residence, not for recreational use. Note – Dome road residents regularly plow the road so conditions may not be conducive to snowmobiling.


(a) The following Monument roads and/or parking areas open to motor vehicle traffic may be used for skiing, snowshoeing, and similar winter activities under the conditions noted:

▪ U.S. Forest Service Road 289 (known as the Dome Road) for hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing only when safe. Foot traffic must yield to motor vehicle travel.

Determination: The Dome Road is a Forest Service road that crosses Monument lands. The Forest Service closes the road to non-resident motor vehicles during the winter. When the gate is closed, winter activities described above are allowed. Note – regular plowing of the road by Dome road residents regularly occurs so conditions may not be conducive to these activities.


▪ Using roller skates, skateboards, roller ski’s, coasting vehicles, or similar devices is prohibited.

Determination: The above activities generally take place on paved roads and parking areas. The Entrance Road is narrow with no shoulders making these activities extremely dangerous on the road. The main parking area in Frijoles Canyon is generally extremely congested with vehicles and pedestrians again making this area unsuitable for the above activities.

36 CFR §2.21 – SMOKING

(a) The following areas, structures or facilities are closed to smoking:

Smoking restrictions apply to all cigarettes, pipes, smoking instruments, and electronic cigarettes.

▪ Smoking is allowed in the designated smoking area in the island in the center of the main parking lot for the visitor center during times when parkwide fire restrictions allow.
▪ Smoking is allowed in individual campsites
▪ Smoking is prohibited in all Monument facilities.
▪ As Bandelier is always is Stage I Fire Restriction, smoking is not allowed on trails and in the backcountry.
▪ Smoking is prohibited in the Snack Bar Courtyard, the Gift Shop Courtyard, and within 25 feet of the entrances to all buildings including the Administration Building, and the entrances to historic housing and office spaces.
▪ Smoking is prohibited from the parking lot along the entire entranceway to the Visitor Center.
▪ Smoking may be prohibited in all other areas of the Monument, when in the opinion of the Superintendent such prohibition is necessary during periods of high fire danger. Notice of such prohibition will be posted at trailheads and at the Visitor Center.

Determination: Smoking is prohibited to protect Monument resources, reduce the risk of fire, or prevent conflicts among visitor use activities. Electronic cigarettes are included in the above restrictions.

36 CFR §2.22 – PROPERTY

(a)(2) Leaving property unattended for periods longer than 24 hours is prohibited except for the following conditions.

▪ With permission of the Superintendent upon approval of a permit or special use authorization.
▪ Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office – (505) 673-3861, ext. 1102.

Determination: The purpose of this restriction is to protect the natural, cultural, and archaeological resources from damage from geocaching and similar activities and to preserve the landscape in as pristine visual condition as possible.


(b) Recreation fees, and/or a permit, in accordance with 36 CFR part 71, are established for the following entrance fee areas, and/or for the use of the following specialized sites, facilities, equipment or services, or for participation in the following group activities, recreation events, or specialized recreation uses:

Entrance Fee Areas: Collection operation consists of operating two separate entrance station operations, one 50-site campground (Juniper), one group campground (Ponderosa), and commercial group reservation and Special Use Permit (SUP’s) programs. Collection activities take place all year at the Entrance Station or at the Visitor Center in Frijoles Canyon. The automated fee station at Tsankawi is open during the normal operational period (daylight hours only) of the Tsankawi Unit. Fees are collected all year. The group camping sites at Ponderosa and Juniper Campgrounds are available by reservation only through or call 1-877-444-6777.

Entrance Fee Type


Individual – per person (bicycle, hiker)
Valid for seven days


Motorcycle –
Valid for seven days


Per vehicle (family group, noncommercial, single party – including motorcycle) –
Valid for seven days


Bandelier Annual Pass –
Valid for one year from the date of purchase


(c) The collection of entrance fees may be suspended during the following periods:

▪ National Public Lands Day, the last Saturday in September
▪ Other dates as designated by the Superintendent
▪ Other dates as designated by the Director of the NPS


(b) The scattering of human ashes from cremation is prohibited, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit, established by the Superintendent.

▪ Request permits through the Superintendent’s Office – (505) 673-3861, ext. 1102.

Determination: Bandelier NM is a culturally sensitive area and continues to be used by affiliated Pueblos. The Superintendent will examine each request for scattering ashes and will take into consideration the circumstances of each request before issuing a permit.


(a) Park roads open for travel by motor vehicle are those indicated below and/or as indicated in the following publication of document (attached hereto):

▪ New Mexico State Highway 4 within the boundary of Bandelier National Monument.
▪ The Main Entrance Road to Frijoles Canyon.
▪ That portion of US Forest Service Road 289 (known as the Dome Road) that lies within the boundary of Bandelier National Monument only when the US Forest Service allows travel on the portion of the road outside of the Monument. This includes the use of off-road vehicles.
▪ Campground roads, picnic areas, and parking areas.
▪ Roads that are gated shut are closed to public motor vehicle use.


(a) The following load, weight, and size limits which are more restrictive than State law, apply to the roads indicated under the terms and conditions and/or under permit as noted:

▪ Visitor towed vehicles such as, but not limited to, travel trailers, automobiles, stock trailers, and utility trailers are not permitted on the Main Entrance Road beyond the intersection with the Juniper Campground road or in Frijoles Canyon except as permitted by the Superintendent or in support of Monument operations, without prior approval. Delivery trucks are exempt when performing delivery tasks within those areas. Towed vehicles and trailers must be left in the Amphitheater parking area across from Juniper Campground.
▪ Buses: Definition – every motor vehicle designed and used for the transportation of persons and every motor vehicle other than taxicabs, designated and used for the transportation of persons for compensation. New Mexico Vehicle Code 66-1-4 B (4).
▪ All buses longer than 20 feet must be parked at the Juniper Campground Amphitheater parking lot from March 1 through December 1 unless prior approval has been granted by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
▪ Parking in marked spaces in the main Frijoles Canyon parking area is restricted to vehicles under 20 feet in length.
▪ Parking in the Backcountry lot is limited to vehicles less than 20 feet in length during the same period noted above.
▪ Recreation vehicles over 20 feet in length are restricted to the designated (signed) RV parking space in the main Frijoles Canyon parking lot, the roadside parking area south of the main lot, and Cottonwood Picnic Area parking sites sufficient to accommodate the unit.

Determination: Managing vehicle parking is a challenge at Bandelier National Monument. In an effort to reduce congestion in the main lot in Frijoles Canyon, trailers and oversized vehicles are accommodated in the Amphitheater parking lot on the mesa top. Parking may be managed during heavy use periods and visitors should expect delays and temporary closures to entry when the Frijoles Canyon parking areas are full.


(b) The following speed limits are established for the routes/roads indicated:

▪ Unless otherwise designated, the speed limit is 10 mph.

Determination: Monument speed limits are set for the safety of large numbers of wildlife along the roads as well as high volume pedestrian use. Visitors and residents should expect a lower speed than the surrounding highways.

36 CFR §4.30 – BICYCLES

(a) Bicycle use is only permitted on paved roads, parking areas, and Forest Service Road 289 known as “The Dome Road.”

▪ The use of bicycles on hiking trails and in off-road areas is prohibited.
▪ E-bikes are allowed in Bandelier where traditional bicycles are allowed.
▪ E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited.
▪ Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move and e-bike without pedaling is prohibited.
▪ A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4,21, 4.22, 4.23 and 4.30(h)(2)-(5).

Note: New Mexico State law requires bicycles to stay to the right and ride single file. Monument roads, as well as adjoining state roads, are very narrow with no shoulder. Riders should ride defensively and be aware of traffic at all times.

The term “e-bike” means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals
and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).

Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within [insert name of
park] is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this
Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.


▪ Hitchhiking is permitted in the following areas under the conditions noted:

o Hitchhiking is permitted where traffic and road conditions will allow roadside standing/stopping in a safe manner that will not obstruct traffic.

Determination: The main entrance road is a narrow, two-lane road with no shoulders making it unsuitable for pedestrian use.

Last updated: September 3, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Bandelier National Monument
15 Entrance Road

Los Alamos, NM 87544


505 672-3861 x0

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