Last updated: December 17, 2019
Vandalism hurts

NPS photo of a defaced rock art panel in Mesa Verde National Park.
The more than 400 sites across the National Park System preserve and protect our nation's unique natural and cultural heritage. When you visit, enjoy them and do no harm.
Graffiti is vandalism, and is extremely difficult to remove. Repair of vandalized sites, if possible, is costly and time consuming, and often cannot restore the site to its former condition.
Defacing any part of the national park or other public land you visit hurts, and it degrades the experience of other visitors. It is described as an act of cultural violence when perpetrated against such sites as pictograph panels, historic structures, and other places that existed before their designation as park sites. Disturbing wildlife or damaging their habitats can directly lead to their demise. These acts are also illegal.
You can help protect our treasured public lands. If you see something suspicious in any NPS location, stay safe and tell us about it. Talk to any NPS employee for help in reporting suspicious activity, or give the Special Agents of the NPS Investigative Services Branch a call. We understand that it may take time to reach park personnel and/or areas with cell or internet service.
You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know:
☎️ CALL or TEXT the ISB Tip Line 888-653-0009
🌎 ONLINE and click "Submit a Tip"
🚨 EMERGENCY dial 9-1-1

NPS photo.

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