Last updated: May 18, 2023
Southeast Coast Network News December 2019
Meeting on Island Time
The Southeast Coast Inventory and Monitoring Network held its annual Steering Committee and Board Meeting last month at the Convention and Visitor's Center in St. Marys, Georgia. Along with a full day of presentations from network staff and the steering committee and board meetings, participants took a tour of Cumberland Island National Seashore. The fiscal year 2020 workplan was approved.Publications
- Wadeable Stream Habitat Monitoring at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park: 2017 Baseline Report. Available at:
In the Field
Completed in November
- Continuous water-quality data was collected at Congaree National Park, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Canaveral National Seashore, and Fort Pulaski National Monument.
Upcoming in December
- Continuous water-quality data will be collected at Congaree National Park on December 4. Data will be collected at Cumberland Island National Seashore, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Canaveral National Seashore, and Fort Pulaski National Monument on December 9-10.
- southeast coast network
- inventory and monitoring division
- congaree national park
- cumberland islad
- cumberland island national seashore
- fort pulaski national monument
- timucuan ecological and historic preserve
- canaveral national seashore
- fort matanzas national monument
- water quality monitoring
- southeast coast network news