
Jeff Rasic - Archaeologist

Jeff Rasic, anthropologist
Jeff Rasic coordinates and National Park Service scientific programs across the Alaska Region and promotes external partnerships.

Jeff Rasic
Regional Science Coordinator
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units Coordinator

4175 Geist Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Interest Areas
My professional training is in archaeology and I have a strong interest in museum studies and collections-based research and long running research interests in the analysis of stone tools, the early human settlement of the Arctic, and geochemical analysis and sourcing of stone raw materials.

Ph.D., 2008, Anthropology, Washington State University
M.A., 2000, Anthropology, Washington State University
B.A., 1993, Anthropology, Wake Forest University

Recent Publications
Rowe, A. G., C. P. Bataille, S. Baleika, E. A. Combs, B. A. Crass, D. C. Fisher, S. Ghosh, C. Holmes, K. E. Krasiniski, F. Lanoe, T. J. Murchie, H. Poinar, B. Potter, J. T. Rasic, J. Reuther, G. M. Smith, K. J. Spaleta, B. T. Wygal, and M. J. Wooler. 2024. A female woolly mammoth's lifetime movements end in an ancient Alaskan hunter-gatherer camp. Science Advances 10(3): 1-8.

Kristensen, T. J., T. E. Allan, J. W. Ives, R. Woywitka, G. Yanicki, and J. T. Rasic. 2023. Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Obsidian in Alberta and Human Dispersal into North America’s Ice-Free Corridor, PaleoAmerica 9(3): 194-215.

White, J. T., A. Henry, S. Kuehn, M. G. Loso, and J. T. Rasic. 2022. Terminal Pleistocene human occupation of the upper Copper River basin, southern Alaska: Results of test excavations at Nataeł Na’. Quaternary International.

Schmuck, N., R. J. Carlson, J. Reuther, J. F. Baichtal, D. H. Butler, E. Carlson, and J. T. Rasic. 2022. Obsidian source classification and defining “local” in early Holocene Southeast Alaska. Geoarchaeology 1-20.

Wooller, M. J., C. Bataille, P. Druckenmiller, G. M. Erickson, P. Groves, N. Haubenstock, T. Howe, J. Irrgeher, D. Mann, K. Moon, B. A. Potter, T. Prohaska, J. Rasic, J. Reuther, B. Shapiro, K. J. Spaleta, and A. D. Willis. 2021. Lifetime mobility of an Arctic woolly mammoth. Science 373(6556): 806-808.

Mason, O. K. and J. T. Rasic. 2020. Walrusing, whaling and the origins of the Old Bering Sea culture. World Archaeology 51(3): 454-483.

Urban, Thomas M., Jeffrey T. Rasic, Claire Alix, Douglas D. Anderson, Linda Chisholm, Robert W. Jacob, Stuart W. Manning, Owen K.Mason, Andrew H. Tremayne, Dale Vinson. 2019. Magnetic detection of archaeological hearths in Alaska: A tool for investigating the full span of human presence at the gateway to North America. Quaternary Science Reviews 211: 73-92.

Tremayne, A. H., C. M. Darwent, J. Darwent, K. A. Eldridge, and J. T. Rasic. 2018. Iyateyet revisited: A report on renewed investigations of a stratified Middle-to-Late Holocene coastal campsite in Norton Sound, Alaska. Arctic Anthropology 55 (1): 1-23.

Moreno-Mayar, J. V., L. Vinner, P. de Barros Damgaard, [et al. incl. J.T. Rasic] 2018. Early human dispersals within the Americas. Science 362(6419): eaav2621.

Joly, K., J. Rasic, R. Mason, and M. Lukin. 2018. History, purpose, and status of caribou movements in northwest Alaska. Alaska Park Science 17 (1) 47-50.

Buvit, I., Rasic, J.T., Keuhn, S. R., and W.H. Hedman. 2018. Fluted Projectile Points in a Stratified Context at the Raven Bluff Site Document a Late Arrival of Paleoindian Technology in Northwest Alaska. Geoarchaeology 33(5):1-12.

Urban, Thomas M., Rasic, J. T., Alix, C., Anderson, D. D., Manning, S. W., Mason, O. K., Tremayne, A. H., and C. B. Wolff. 2016. Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic. Remote Sensing 8(12): 1007.; doi:10.3390/rs8121007

Rasic, J. T. 2016. Archaeological Evidence for Transport, Trade and Exchange in the North American Arctic. In Oxford Handbook of Arctic Archaeology, edited by Owen Mason and T. Max Friesen, Oxford University Press, New York.

Tremayne, A. H. and J. T. Rasic. 2016. The Denbigh Flint Complex in the Western Arctic. In Oxford Handbook of Arctic Archaeology, edited by Owen Mason and T. Max Friesen, Oxford University Press, New York.

Last updated: January 17, 2024