Condor Enthusiasts - Below is the population information on the California Condors, compiled by our partners at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as of December 31, 2018. For more comprehensive information about condor recovery check out their webpage. For details about individual birds, check the most recent CA Condor Studbook from our partners at the San Diego Zoo. All information provided here is compiled by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service from the many CA Condor recovery partners (see the full list here).
TOTAL WORLD POPULATION = 488 Number of wild-fledged chicks = 15 Number of birds newly released into the wild from captivity = 29 Number of mortalities in the free-flying population = 20 TOTAL CAPTIVE POPULATION = 176 Captive Breeding is conducted at the Peregrine Fund’s World Center for Birds of Prey, Los Angeles Zoo, San Diego Zoo and Safari Park and Oregon Zoo in the U.S. and Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, Mexico. Number of captive breeding pairs = 48
Number of captive hatched chicks = 26
Southern California, USA Meta-Population [est. 1995]: Wild fledglings: 26 Releases: 16 Mortalities: 9 Total Size: 91 Hopper Mountain Refuge (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) Condor Spotter
Southwest, USA Meta-Population [est. 1996]: Wild fledglings: 3 Releases: 7 Mortalities: 7 Total Size: 88 Grand Canyon National Park SW Condor Updates(U.S. National Park Service) The Peregrine Fund SW Condor List; On Facebook as CondorCliffs
Central California, USA Meta-Population [est.1997]: Wild fledglings: 4 Releases: 6 Mortalities: 2 Total Size: 97 Pinnacles National Park Condor Profiles (U.S. National Park Service) Ventana Wildlife Society Condor Page Condor Spotter
Baja California, Mexico Meta-Population [est. 2020]: Wild fledglings: 2 Releases: 0 Mortalities: 2 Total Size: 36 Parque Nacional Sierra de San Pedro Martir (Mexico National Park Service) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service International Program
Prepared by Cody Lane, Wildlife Avifauna Technician, Division of Science and Resource Management, Grand Canyon National Park. Updated: March 2020