Last updated: February 22, 2018
Consolidated Source List and Image Credits
Consolidated Source List (by topic)
USS Constellation:
Historic Ships in Baltimore
National Historic Landmark Nomination
The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House:
“The History of Baltimore,” authored by the City of Baltimore
National Register of Historic Places Nomination
Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History
The Baltimore: (steam-powered tugboat)
National Historic Landmark Nomination
Baltimore Museum of Industry
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine:
National Park Service
Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History
Baltimore National Heritage Area:
Baltimore National Heritage Area
Chesapeake Bay Gateway Network
Jewish Museum of Maryland
Baltimore Museum of Industry
American Visionary Art Museum
Reginald F. Lewis Museum
Authentic Baltimore
Little Italy, MD
Cross Street Market
Maryland Zoo
B&O Railroad
SS John W. Brown:
National Register of Historic Places Nomination
USS Torsk:
National Register of Historic Places Nomination
USCGC Taney:
National Historic Landmark Nomination
Image Credits:
Travel Baltimore, MD:
Banner Image: Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Bombardment of Fort McHenry: Courtesy of the Library of Congress
The Rockets’ Red Glare: TwHP Lesson Plan: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Liberty and Victory Ships: Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Mary Pickersgill: Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Frederick Douglass: Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration
USCGC Taney: Photo taken by Joe Ravi, 2011. CC-BY-SA 3.0
USS Torsk: Wikicommons, public domain
SS John Brown: Photo taken by MKelly, 2012. CC BY-SA 3.0
2016 promo : (bottom of main page)
Telling All Americans’ Stories: Photo by Kirke Wrench. Courtesy of the National Park Service.
Discovering Our Shared Heritage: Photo taken by Joel Veak. Courtesy of the National Park Service.
Trip Idea: Bombardment of Fort McHenry: Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Baltimore National Heritage Area: Wikimedia Commons, public domain
Battles, Banners, and Boats: Discovering Baltimore History:
Fort McHenry: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Baltimore’s Inner Harbor: Photo taken by Bruce Emmerling. CCO
Things To Do:
Board the USS Constellation:
Image#1 Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Image #2 Photo taken by Jean Pierre Louis. CC BY 2.0
Honor the Flag at Fort McHenry: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Visit the Baltimore: The Last Steam-Powered Tugboat: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Tour the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House: Courtesy of the Historic American Buildings Survey, National Park Service
Discover Baltimore National Heritage Area:
Image #1 Photo taken by Chris Montcalmo. CC BY-SA 4.0
Image #2 Wikicommons, public domain
Teaching With Historic Places Lesson Plans:
The Rockets’ Red Glare: TwHP Lesson Plan: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Liberty & Victory Ships: TwHP Lesson Plan : Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Mary Pickersgill: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Frederick Douglass: Courtesy of the National Park Service and Library of Congress
SS John Brown: Photo taken by MKelly, 2012. CC BY-SA 3.0
USS Torsk: Wikicommons, public domain
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House: Courtesy of the Historic American Buildings Survey, National Park Service
The Baltimore: Courtesy of the National Park Service
USCGC Taney: Photo taken by Joe Ravi, 2011. CC-BY-SA 3.0
Teach It!
The Rockets’ Red Glare: TwHP Lesson Plan: Courtesy of the National Park Service
Liberty & Victory Ships: TwHP Lesson Plan : Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Teaching with Historic Places: Courtesy of the Library of Congress