
Trip Itinerary: Pocatello, Idaho

At this point pioneers had been on the road for three or more months of travel and many felt trail fatigue really set in. Fort Hall, just north of Pocatello, was a welcome site and aided settlers needing to stock up on supplies or a moment's rest. The road was rough traveling - the hard ground of the high desert and sharp lava rocks were difficult for wagon wheels. And for many travelers, the heat of the summer months was intense. Check out sites like the replica Fort Hall and others near Pocatello!

Check out these historical sites near Pocatello, Idaho to learn more:

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    At this point in their journey pioneers had been on the road for three or more months of travel and many felt trail fatigue really set in. Fort Hall, just north of Pocatello, was a welcome site and aided settlers needing to stock up on supplies or a moment's rest. The road was rough traveling - the hard ground of the high desert and sharp lava rocks were difficult for wagon wheels. And for many travelers, the heat of the summer months was intense.

    Visit these sites in Pocatello, Idaho to learn more about the trail:

    Oregon National Historic Trail

    Last updated: July 6, 2022