
Puma Profiles: P-89

Kittens among rocks and brush.

Initial capture date: July 6, 2020

Biologists found P-65's den on July 6, 2020, during the "Summer of Kittens." Three kittens were tagged - female P-88 and males P-89 and P-90. P-63 is the likely father since both cats traveled together for three days in March. This may also be P-65's first litter.

P-89 was almost 2 years old when he was found dead on the morning of July 18, 2022, along the shoulder of the 101 Freeway between the DeSoto and Winnetka exits in Woodland Hills. He had been hit by a car around 2 a.m.

The young male mountain lion was found dead near a dense and urban area. He was the fourth mountain lion in the study to die from road mortality in 2022.

On Oct. 21, 2021, and Nov. 9, 2021, P-89 and his brother, P-90, were recaptured and fitted with GPS radio collars while still in the care of their mother, P-65. Noting their mangy appearances, biologists treated all three of them with Selamectin, a topical treatment for mange, fleas and ticks. A few months later, he dispersed from his mother, P-65.

His brother, P-90 was hit and killed by a car in the Los Padres National Forest on State Highway 33 on Aug. 26, 2022.

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Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Last updated: January 20, 2023