Last updated: February 29, 2024
Peter Neitlich - Ecologist
Peter Neitlich
Alaska Regional Office
240 W. 5th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501
Skills and Research Interests
Vegetation ecology, lichen ecology, contaminants and their biological effects, mining mitigation, fire resource advising
MS 1993 University of Vermont, Botany, Field Naturalist Program
BA 1986 Yale University, Environmental Studies
Professional Experience
2017 to present Ecologist, National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office
2018-2021 Program Manager, National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program
2008-2016 Natural Resources Program Manager, National Park Service, Western Arctic National Parklands
1999-2008 Botanist, National Park Service, Western Arctic National Parklands
1998-2001 National Lichen Indicator Lead, Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
1996-1998 Botanist, National Park Service, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
1995 Biotech, Katmai/Aniakchak National Park
1993-1995 Research Associate on Lichen Ecology, Oregon State University
1990-1995 Peace Corps Trainer, Peace Corps, Niger
1987-1990 Peace Corps Volunteer, Niger
Selected Publications
Neitlich, P., Wright, W., Di Meglio, E., Shiel, A. E., Hampton-Miller, C. J., Hooten, M. B. 2024. Mixed trends in heavy metal-enriched fugitive dust on National Park Service lands along the Red Dog Mine haul road, Alaska, 2006–2017. PLos One 19(2): e0297777.
Neitlich P.N., Berryman S., Geiser L.H., Mines A., Shiel A.E. 2022. Impacts on tundra vegetation from heavy metal-enriched fugitive dust on National Park Service lands along the Red Dog Mine haul road, Alaska. PLoS ONE;17:e0269801.
Hampton-Miller, C.J., Neitlich, P.N., and Swanson D.K. 2022. A high-resolution map of coastal vegetation for two Arctic Alaskan parklands: An object-oriented approach with point training data. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0273893.
Wright, W. J., Neitlich, P. N., Sheil, A. E., and M. B. Hooten. 2022. Mechanistic spatial models for heavy metal pollution. Environmetrics
Hampton-Miller, C. J., and P. N. Neitlich. 2022. Long-term lichen community monitoring remeasure in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve: 2019 data summary. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2022/2466. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Neitlich, P., Ver Hoef, J., Berryman, S., Mines, A., Geiser, L., and A. Shiel. 2017. Remeasurement of heavy metal deposition patterns on National Park Service lands adjacent to the Red Dog Mine Haul Road, Alaska.
Polasek, L., J. Bering, H. Kim, P, Neitlich, B. Pister, M. Terwilliger, C. Turner and T. Jones. 2017. Marine debris in five National Parks in Alaska. Bulletin of Marine Pollution.
Lawler, J., Weinberger, J. P., Rasic, J., Neitlich, P., and G. Adema. Alaska’s northern parks: the wonder of the Arctic. Alaska Park Science 16 (1).
Neitlich, P., Jones, T., and J. Lawler. 2017. Synthesis of coastal issues and projects in the Western Arctic National Parklands. Alaska Park Science 16 (1) 95-99.
Jones, T., Neitlich, P. and P. Burger. 2017. Promoting spill preparedness in Western Arctic Parks. Alaska Park Science 15 (1), 39-46.
Kim, S., Neitlich, P., Turner, C., Terwilliger, M., Pister, B., Jones, T., Bering, J. and L. Polasek. A partnership to remove marine debris from Alaskan coastal parks. Alaska Park Science 15 (1), 75-82.
Haynes, T., Jones, T., Robards, M., Lawler, J., Whiting, A., Tibbles, M.,Wipfli, M., and P. Neitlich. Understanding the ecology of Arctic coastal lagoons through fisheries research and monitoring. Alaska Park Science 15 (1) 31-39.
Swanson, D. K. and P. Neitlich. 2016. Terrestrial vegetation monitoring protocol for the Arctic Alaska Network: Establishment, sampling, and analysis of permanent monitoring plots. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2016/1214. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Root, H. T., Geiser, L. H., Jovan, S., and P. Neitlich. 2015. Epiphytic macrolichen indication of air quality and climate in interior forested mountains of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Ecological Indicators 53, 95-105.
Rosso, A., Neitlich, P., and R. J. Smith. 2014. Non-Destructive lichen biomass estimation in northwestern Alaska: a comparison of methods. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103739. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103739.
Linder, G., Brumbaugh, W., Neitlich, P., and E. Little. 2013. Atmospheric deposition and critical loads for nitrogen and metals in Arctic Alaska: review and current status. Open Journal of Air Pollution 2013(2):76-99. DOI:10.4236/ojap.2013.24010.
Holt, E. A. and P. N. Neitlich. 2010. Lichen inventory synthesis: Western Arctic National Parklands and Arctic Network, Alaska. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/AKR/ARCN/NRTR—2010/385. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Holt EA and Neitlich PN. 2010. Arctic Network Lichen Inventory Dataset. Geospatial dataset. Available at:
Will-Wolf, S. and P. Neitlich. 2010. Development of lichen response indexes using a regional gradient modeling approach for large-scale monitoring of forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-807. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 65 p.
Root, H., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2010. Lichen habitat may be enhanced by thinning treatments in young Tsuga heterophylla-Pseudotsuga menziesii forests. The Bryologist 113(2), pp. 292–307.
B. McCune, E. A. Holt, P. N. Neitlich, T. Ahti and R. Rosentreter. 2009. Macrolichen diversity in Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. North American Fungi 4(4): 1-22.
E. A. Holt, B. McCune and P. Neitlich. 2009. Macrolichen communities in relation to soils and vegetation in the Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. Botany 87: 241-252.
E. A. Holt, B. McCune and P. Neitlich. 2008. Spatial scale of GIS-derived categorical variables affects their ability to separate sites by community composition. Applied Vegetation Science 11: 421-430.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2008. Grazing and fire impacts on macrolichen communities of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, U.S.A. The Bryologist 111(1), pp. 68–83.
Geiser, L. H., Neitlich, P. 2007. Air pollution and climate gradients in western Oregon and Washington indicated by epiphytic macrolichens. Environmental Pollution 145(1): 203-218.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2007: Succession and community gradients of Arctic macrolichens and their relation to substrate, topography, and rockiness. Pacific Northwest Fungi 2(2): 1-21.
Will-Wolf, S., L. H. Geiser, P. Neitlich, & A. Reis. 2006. Comparison of lichen community composition with environmental variables at regional and subregional geographic scales. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 171-184.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B., and P. Neitlich. 2006. Defining a successional metric for lichen communities in the Arctic tundra. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38: 373-377.
Hasselbach, L., J. M. Ver Hoef, J. Ford, P. Neitlich, E. Crecelius, S. Berryman, B. Wolk, and T. Bohle. 2005. Spatial patterns of cadmium and lead deposition on and adjacent to National Park Service lands in the vicinity of Red Dog Mine, Alaska. Sci. Total Environ. 348:211–230.
Will-Wolf, S., Geiser, L. H., Neitlich, P. 2004. Comparison of lichen community response to environmental variable at regional and subregional geographic scales. In: Randlane, T., Saag, A. (eds.): Book of Abstracts of the 5th IAL Symposium. Lichens in Focus. Tartu University Press, pp. 60-81.
Fenn, M. E., Baron, J. S., Allen, E. B., Rueth, H. M. Nydick, K. R., Geiser, L., Bowman, W. D., Sickman, J. O., Meixner, T.,Johnson, D. W., Neitlich, P. 2003. Ecological effects of nitrogen deposition in the western United States. BioScience 53(4): 404-420.
Neitlich, P., Rogers, P., and R. Rosentreter. 2003. Lichen communities indicator results from Idaho: baseline sampling. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. 14 pp.
Will-Wolf, S., P. Neitlich and P. A. Esseen. 2002. Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: forests. In: Monitoring with lichens – monitoring lichens, ed. Nimis, P.L., C. Scheidegger and P. Wolseley, pp 203-222. NATO Science Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Will-Wolf, S., Esseen, P. A., and P. Neitlich. 2001. Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: forests. Chapter 14 in: Nimis P. L., Scheidegger C. & Wolseley P. A. (eds.): Monitoring with Lichens – Monitoring Lichens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 203-222.
Peterson, E. B., and P. Neitlich. 2001. Impacts of two coal-fired power plants on lichen communities in northwestern Colorado. Report to USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program: Evaluation Monitoring Project in 1999. 34 pp.
Oakley, K., Neitlich, P., and L. Fox. 2001. A study plan for the inventory of vascular plants and vertebrate taxa in the Northwest Alaska Network, 2001–2005. Study plan for the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program. Final panel-reviewed report referred for funding. National Park Service, Anchorage, AK. 189 pp.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 2001. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FIA National Field Guide. Chapter 10 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. 2001. FIA Field Methods for Phase 3 Measurements, 2001. Available online at:
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 2000. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 2000. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 2000. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 1999. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 1999. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 1999. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 1998. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 1998. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 1998. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and L. Hasselbach. 1998. Lichen inventory and status assessment for Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska. National Park Service Technical Report, Fairbanks, Alaska, 44pp.
Hasselbach, L. and P. Neitlich 1998. An Illustrated Genus Key to the Lichens of Alaska. National Park Service General Technical Report, Fairbanks, Alaska, 70 pp.
McCune, B., J. Dey, J. Peck, D. Cassell, K. Heiman, S. Will-Wolf, and P. N. Neitlich. 1997. Repeatability of community data: species richness versus gradient scores in large-scale lichen studies. Bryologist 100: 40-46.
Neitlich, P. N. and B. McCune. 1997. Hotspots of epiphytic lichen diversity in two young managed forests. Conservation Biology 11:172-182.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1997. Lichen identification training book for federal and state biologists: a 3-day workshop using 15 lichen teaching stations.
Hasselbach, L. and P. Neitlich. 1997. Field Guide to the Common Trees and Shrubs of Niger. Niamey, Niger: Peace Corps/Niger.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1996. Vascular and nonvascular vegetation reconnaissance of Walker Lake National Natural Landmark, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1996. Lichens and mosses of Mother Goose Lake Region, Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge. King Salmon, AK: US Fish and Wildlife Service/Earthwatch.
Hasselbach, L. M. and P. N. Neitlich. 1996. A description of the vegetation of Round Island, Alaska. National Park Service/National Natural Landmark Program, Anchorage, AK.
Sillett, S. C., and P. N. Neitlich. 1996. Emerging themes in epiphyte research in westside forests with special reference to cyanolichens. Northwest Science 70:54-60.
Neitlich, P. N. 1996. Description of Affected Species: Lichens, Bryophytes, Fungi. In 4(d) DEIS on Habitat Management on Nonfederal Lands in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Portland, OR: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Northwest Regional Office.
Riley, J., McCune, B., and P.N. Neitlich. 1995. Range extensions for Usnea sphaecelata in Oregon and Washington. Evansia 12: 24-26.
Neitlich, P. N. and B. McCune. 1995. Lichen species present in 20 Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Areas. Prepared for Eugene District Bureau of Land Management, Eugene, OR.
Neitlich, P. N. 1994. Analysis of Impacts to Lichens, Bryophytes, Fungi. In 4(d) DEIS on Habitat Management on Nonfederal Lands in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Portland, OR: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Northwest Regional Office.
Rosentreter, R. and Neitlich, P. N. 1994. Results of Additional Species Analysis: Lichens. (82 pp.) Appendix J2 in Final Supplemental EIS on Management of Habitat for Late-Successional and Old-Growth Related Species in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Interagency SEIS Team/USDA Forest Service.
Neitlich, P. N. 1993. Lichen abundance and biodiversity along a chronosequence from young managed stands to ancient forest. M.S. Thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
Neitlich, P. N. and N. Cronyn. 1990. Training manual for Natural Resource Sector in Niger. Peace Corps/NIGER. Niamey, Republic of Niger.
Alaska Regional Office
240 W. 5th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501
Skills and Research Interests
Vegetation ecology, lichen ecology, contaminants and their biological effects, mining mitigation, fire resource advising
MS 1993 University of Vermont, Botany, Field Naturalist Program
BA 1986 Yale University, Environmental Studies
Professional Experience
2017 to present Ecologist, National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office
2018-2021 Program Manager, National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program
2008-2016 Natural Resources Program Manager, National Park Service, Western Arctic National Parklands
1999-2008 Botanist, National Park Service, Western Arctic National Parklands
1998-2001 National Lichen Indicator Lead, Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
1996-1998 Botanist, National Park Service, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
1995 Biotech, Katmai/Aniakchak National Park
1993-1995 Research Associate on Lichen Ecology, Oregon State University
1990-1995 Peace Corps Trainer, Peace Corps, Niger
1987-1990 Peace Corps Volunteer, Niger
Selected Publications
Neitlich, P., Wright, W., Di Meglio, E., Shiel, A. E., Hampton-Miller, C. J., Hooten, M. B. 2024. Mixed trends in heavy metal-enriched fugitive dust on National Park Service lands along the Red Dog Mine haul road, Alaska, 2006–2017. PLos One 19(2): e0297777.
Neitlich P.N., Berryman S., Geiser L.H., Mines A., Shiel A.E. 2022. Impacts on tundra vegetation from heavy metal-enriched fugitive dust on National Park Service lands along the Red Dog Mine haul road, Alaska. PLoS ONE;17:e0269801.
Hampton-Miller, C.J., Neitlich, P.N., and Swanson D.K. 2022. A high-resolution map of coastal vegetation for two Arctic Alaskan parklands: An object-oriented approach with point training data. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0273893.
Wright, W. J., Neitlich, P. N., Sheil, A. E., and M. B. Hooten. 2022. Mechanistic spatial models for heavy metal pollution. Environmetrics
Hampton-Miller, C. J., and P. N. Neitlich. 2022. Long-term lichen community monitoring remeasure in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve: 2019 data summary. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2022/2466. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Neitlich, P., Ver Hoef, J., Berryman, S., Mines, A., Geiser, L., and A. Shiel. 2017. Remeasurement of heavy metal deposition patterns on National Park Service lands adjacent to the Red Dog Mine Haul Road, Alaska.
Polasek, L., J. Bering, H. Kim, P, Neitlich, B. Pister, M. Terwilliger, C. Turner and T. Jones. 2017. Marine debris in five National Parks in Alaska. Bulletin of Marine Pollution.
Lawler, J., Weinberger, J. P., Rasic, J., Neitlich, P., and G. Adema. Alaska’s northern parks: the wonder of the Arctic. Alaska Park Science 16 (1).
Neitlich, P., Jones, T., and J. Lawler. 2017. Synthesis of coastal issues and projects in the Western Arctic National Parklands. Alaska Park Science 16 (1) 95-99.
Jones, T., Neitlich, P. and P. Burger. 2017. Promoting spill preparedness in Western Arctic Parks. Alaska Park Science 15 (1), 39-46.
Kim, S., Neitlich, P., Turner, C., Terwilliger, M., Pister, B., Jones, T., Bering, J. and L. Polasek. A partnership to remove marine debris from Alaskan coastal parks. Alaska Park Science 15 (1), 75-82.
Haynes, T., Jones, T., Robards, M., Lawler, J., Whiting, A., Tibbles, M.,Wipfli, M., and P. Neitlich. Understanding the ecology of Arctic coastal lagoons through fisheries research and monitoring. Alaska Park Science 15 (1) 31-39.
Swanson, D. K. and P. Neitlich. 2016. Terrestrial vegetation monitoring protocol for the Arctic Alaska Network: Establishment, sampling, and analysis of permanent monitoring plots. Natural Resource Report NPS/ARCN/NRR—2016/1214. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Root, H. T., Geiser, L. H., Jovan, S., and P. Neitlich. 2015. Epiphytic macrolichen indication of air quality and climate in interior forested mountains of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Ecological Indicators 53, 95-105.
Rosso, A., Neitlich, P., and R. J. Smith. 2014. Non-Destructive lichen biomass estimation in northwestern Alaska: a comparison of methods. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103739. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103739.
Linder, G., Brumbaugh, W., Neitlich, P., and E. Little. 2013. Atmospheric deposition and critical loads for nitrogen and metals in Arctic Alaska: review and current status. Open Journal of Air Pollution 2013(2):76-99. DOI:10.4236/ojap.2013.24010.
Holt, E. A. and P. N. Neitlich. 2010. Lichen inventory synthesis: Western Arctic National Parklands and Arctic Network, Alaska. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/AKR/ARCN/NRTR—2010/385. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Holt EA and Neitlich PN. 2010. Arctic Network Lichen Inventory Dataset. Geospatial dataset. Available at:
Will-Wolf, S. and P. Neitlich. 2010. Development of lichen response indexes using a regional gradient modeling approach for large-scale monitoring of forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-807. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 65 p.
Root, H., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2010. Lichen habitat may be enhanced by thinning treatments in young Tsuga heterophylla-Pseudotsuga menziesii forests. The Bryologist 113(2), pp. 292–307.
B. McCune, E. A. Holt, P. N. Neitlich, T. Ahti and R. Rosentreter. 2009. Macrolichen diversity in Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. North American Fungi 4(4): 1-22.
E. A. Holt, B. McCune and P. Neitlich. 2009. Macrolichen communities in relation to soils and vegetation in the Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. Botany 87: 241-252.
E. A. Holt, B. McCune and P. Neitlich. 2008. Spatial scale of GIS-derived categorical variables affects their ability to separate sites by community composition. Applied Vegetation Science 11: 421-430.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2008. Grazing and fire impacts on macrolichen communities of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, U.S.A. The Bryologist 111(1), pp. 68–83.
Geiser, L. H., Neitlich, P. 2007. Air pollution and climate gradients in western Oregon and Washington indicated by epiphytic macrolichens. Environmental Pollution 145(1): 203-218.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B. and P. Neitlich. 2007: Succession and community gradients of Arctic macrolichens and their relation to substrate, topography, and rockiness. Pacific Northwest Fungi 2(2): 1-21.
Will-Wolf, S., L. H. Geiser, P. Neitlich, & A. Reis. 2006. Comparison of lichen community composition with environmental variables at regional and subregional geographic scales. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 171-184.
Holt, E. A., McCune, B., and P. Neitlich. 2006. Defining a successional metric for lichen communities in the Arctic tundra. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38: 373-377.
Hasselbach, L., J. M. Ver Hoef, J. Ford, P. Neitlich, E. Crecelius, S. Berryman, B. Wolk, and T. Bohle. 2005. Spatial patterns of cadmium and lead deposition on and adjacent to National Park Service lands in the vicinity of Red Dog Mine, Alaska. Sci. Total Environ. 348:211–230.
Will-Wolf, S., Geiser, L. H., Neitlich, P. 2004. Comparison of lichen community response to environmental variable at regional and subregional geographic scales. In: Randlane, T., Saag, A. (eds.): Book of Abstracts of the 5th IAL Symposium. Lichens in Focus. Tartu University Press, pp. 60-81.
Fenn, M. E., Baron, J. S., Allen, E. B., Rueth, H. M. Nydick, K. R., Geiser, L., Bowman, W. D., Sickman, J. O., Meixner, T.,Johnson, D. W., Neitlich, P. 2003. Ecological effects of nitrogen deposition in the western United States. BioScience 53(4): 404-420.
Neitlich, P., Rogers, P., and R. Rosentreter. 2003. Lichen communities indicator results from Idaho: baseline sampling. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. 14 pp.
Will-Wolf, S., P. Neitlich and P. A. Esseen. 2002. Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: forests. In: Monitoring with lichens – monitoring lichens, ed. Nimis, P.L., C. Scheidegger and P. Wolseley, pp 203-222. NATO Science Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Will-Wolf, S., Esseen, P. A., and P. Neitlich. 2001. Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: forests. Chapter 14 in: Nimis P. L., Scheidegger C. & Wolseley P. A. (eds.): Monitoring with Lichens – Monitoring Lichens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 203-222.
Peterson, E. B., and P. Neitlich. 2001. Impacts of two coal-fired power plants on lichen communities in northwestern Colorado. Report to USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program: Evaluation Monitoring Project in 1999. 34 pp.
Oakley, K., Neitlich, P., and L. Fox. 2001. A study plan for the inventory of vascular plants and vertebrate taxa in the Northwest Alaska Network, 2001–2005. Study plan for the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program. Final panel-reviewed report referred for funding. National Park Service, Anchorage, AK. 189 pp.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 2001. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FIA National Field Guide. Chapter 10 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. 2001. FIA Field Methods for Phase 3 Measurements, 2001. Available online at:
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 2000. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 2000. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 2000. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 1999. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 1999. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 1999. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and S. Will-Wolf. 1998. Lichen Communities. Methods chapter for FHM National Field Guide. Chapter 7 in USDA/Forest Service-Forest Health Monitoring Program. 1998. FHM National Field Methods Guide, 1998. USDA Forest Service/ Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Neitlich, P. and L. Hasselbach. 1998. Lichen inventory and status assessment for Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska. National Park Service Technical Report, Fairbanks, Alaska, 44pp.
Hasselbach, L. and P. Neitlich 1998. An Illustrated Genus Key to the Lichens of Alaska. National Park Service General Technical Report, Fairbanks, Alaska, 70 pp.
McCune, B., J. Dey, J. Peck, D. Cassell, K. Heiman, S. Will-Wolf, and P. N. Neitlich. 1997. Repeatability of community data: species richness versus gradient scores in large-scale lichen studies. Bryologist 100: 40-46.
Neitlich, P. N. and B. McCune. 1997. Hotspots of epiphytic lichen diversity in two young managed forests. Conservation Biology 11:172-182.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1997. Lichen identification training book for federal and state biologists: a 3-day workshop using 15 lichen teaching stations.
Hasselbach, L. and P. Neitlich. 1997. Field Guide to the Common Trees and Shrubs of Niger. Niamey, Niger: Peace Corps/Niger.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1996. Vascular and nonvascular vegetation reconnaissance of Walker Lake National Natural Landmark, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Neitlich, P. N. and L. M. Hasselbach. 1996. Lichens and mosses of Mother Goose Lake Region, Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge. King Salmon, AK: US Fish and Wildlife Service/Earthwatch.
Hasselbach, L. M. and P. N. Neitlich. 1996. A description of the vegetation of Round Island, Alaska. National Park Service/National Natural Landmark Program, Anchorage, AK.
Sillett, S. C., and P. N. Neitlich. 1996. Emerging themes in epiphyte research in westside forests with special reference to cyanolichens. Northwest Science 70:54-60.
Neitlich, P. N. 1996. Description of Affected Species: Lichens, Bryophytes, Fungi. In 4(d) DEIS on Habitat Management on Nonfederal Lands in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Portland, OR: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Northwest Regional Office.
Riley, J., McCune, B., and P.N. Neitlich. 1995. Range extensions for Usnea sphaecelata in Oregon and Washington. Evansia 12: 24-26.
Neitlich, P. N. and B. McCune. 1995. Lichen species present in 20 Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Areas. Prepared for Eugene District Bureau of Land Management, Eugene, OR.
Neitlich, P. N. 1994. Analysis of Impacts to Lichens, Bryophytes, Fungi. In 4(d) DEIS on Habitat Management on Nonfederal Lands in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Portland, OR: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Northwest Regional Office.
Rosentreter, R. and Neitlich, P. N. 1994. Results of Additional Species Analysis: Lichens. (82 pp.) Appendix J2 in Final Supplemental EIS on Management of Habitat for Late-Successional and Old-Growth Related Species in the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Interagency SEIS Team/USDA Forest Service.
Neitlich, P. N. 1993. Lichen abundance and biodiversity along a chronosequence from young managed stands to ancient forest. M.S. Thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
Neitlich, P. N. and N. Cronyn. 1990. Training manual for Natural Resource Sector in Niger. Peace Corps/NIGER. Niamey, Republic of Niger.