Hamilton Grange Parlor
The parlor was the hub of entertainment at the Grange. Today, it features an early model pianoforte with which Alexander Hamilton accompanied his daughter Angelica in musical duet. In the original orientation of The Grange, the grand triple-hung bay windows commanded a view of the Hudson River. Easily accessible through the large door in the parlor is the dining room, which, when opened, allowed these two rooms to meld into one breezy open space.
The furniture and other contents of the Grange were dispersed over 190 years ago, and what is present in the house today is an assemblage of pieces that were purchased from and donated by descendants, reproduced, and inferred. Therefore, the furniture in this room is a mix of original and reproduction furniture and items that were either present in The Grange at the time of Hamilton’s occupation, or styled after the era of Hamilton’s life.
The Grange Suite, the collection of furniture custom-made for The Grange, was designed in the Louis XVI Neoclassical French style. Despite being inspired by the French design, these items were commissioned by Alexander Hamilton for craft by a New York cabinetmaker, Adam Hains. The purchase of this suite and the other furnishings at The Grange between 1800 and 1803 cost Hamilton approximately $600—a large sum.
The Parlor Collection
Pendulum Clock
A clock like this one likely graced the parlor mantel.
Alexander and Angelica Hamilton were known for enjoying each other's accompaniment on this piano.
Furniture Suite
The Grange furniture suite was commissioned by Alexander Hamilton specifically for The Grange.
Keep Exploring The Grange:
The foyer gave the first impression of the home to visitors at the Grange.
The Dining Room at The Grange was equipped to host over a dozen dinner guests.
The study was where Hamilton wrote and did work from his country seat.
Last updated: August 16, 2022