Last updated: September 3, 2021
Cherokee Council Meetings from 1829; Chief Womankiller
Since the early 1800s, the Cherokee Nation tried to protect their lands by assimilating into the European-American culture as much as possible. However, when Andrew Jackson became president in 1828, that tactic rapidly changed. Many miners pushed their way onto Cherokee land. The miners wanted the land for gold mining towns and seeking their fortune.
On motion of Choonnagkee of Chickamauga District, an old law, making death the penalty for selling any lands in treaty, without the authority of the nation, was committed to writing. The bill was adopted. Womankiller, of Hickory Log District, who is probably more than eighty years of age, rose and spoke substantially as follows in reference to the bill:
My Children,
Permit me to call you so as I am an old man, and has lived a long time, watching the well being of this Nation. I love your lives, and wish our people to increase on the land of our fathers. The bill before you is to punish wicked men, who may arise to cede away our country contrary to the consent of the Council. It is a good law -- it will not kill the innocent but the guilty. I feel the importance of the subject, and am glad the law has been suggested.
My companions, men of renown, in Council, who now sleep in the dust, spoke the same language, and I now stand on the verge of the grave to bear witness to their love of country. My sun of existence is fast approaching to its sitting, and my aged bones will soon be laid under ground, and I wish them laid in the bosom of this earth we have received from our fathers who had it from the Great Being above. When I shall sleep in forgetfulness, I hope my bones will not be deserted by you.
I do not speak this in fear of any of you, as the evidence of your attachment to the country is proved by the bill now before your consideration, I am indeed told, that the Government of the U. States will spoil their treaties with us and sink our National Council under their fee. It may be so, but it shall not be without our consent, or by the misconduct of our people. We hold them by the golden chain of friendship; made when our friendship was worth a price, and if they act the tyrant and kill us for our lands, we shall, in a state of unoffending innocence, sleep with the thousands of our departed people.
My feeble limbs will not allow me to stand longer. I can say no more, but, before I sit, allow me to tell you that I am in favor of the bill.