Goal #3 - Develop a culture of operational excellence and continual improvement.Strategies:Create a thriving workplace.
Build Organizational Capacity.
Strengthen and expand partnerships and volunteer relationships that align with park priorities.
AcknowledgementsPlanning Workshop Team MembersDebbie Douglas. Organization Development Consultant Susan Trail, Superintendent Jane Custer, Chief of Resource Management Brandy Ganoe, Management Analyst Tom Jones, Chief Ranger Keith Snyder, Chief of Resource Education and Visitor Services Benjamin Wagner, Chief of Facilities Corey Wolfensberger, Administrative Officer Ricky Schriever, Maintenance Supervisor Andrew Griffith, Maintenance Worker Joe Calzarette, Natural Resources Manager Rory Moore, Park Ranger Olivia Black, Park Ranger Kathryn Averett Copper, Historian The park staff would like to thank Debbie Douglas for her exceptional skill at facilitating the creation of this document; Olivia Black for her work as recorder. Return to the Strategic Plan Overview page. |
Last updated: March 6, 2019