Goal #1

Goal #1 - Preserve and protect the battlefield’s fundamental and important resources and values.


Develop a sustainable land use program.

  • Key Action: Rehabilitate the landscape to reflect desired historical conditions.

  • Key Action: Develop sustainable farm program that follows recognized best practices.

  • Key Action: Develop Battlefield Cultural Landscape Report to detail layers of use and treatment for long term land use.

Maintain our investments.

  • Key Action: Develop a scenic easement inspection program.
  • Key Action: Develop and implement preventive maintenance program to perform timely maintenance on all structures and landscapes that have seen recent substantial investment.

Improve visitor infrastructure.

  • Key Action: Rehabilitate the Visitor Center.
  • Key Action: Renovate the Observation Tower.
  • Key Action: Rehabilitate Burnside Bridge access to improve safety and accessibility.

Preserve our administrative history.

  • Key Action: Develop and implement a records management program.
  • Key Action: Update Park Administrative History
  • Key Action: Refine and implement park archives collection processing plan.
Learn about Goal #2

Last updated: March 6, 2019

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P.O. Box 158
Sharpsburg, MD 21782


301 432-5124

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